Sweet Dreams little Wolf

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Alexandria P.O.V

It's been a month since Arabella's death and the family have been affected but no one has been affected more than Klaus. He hasn't left his study, he won't feed or sleep. He won't play with Lucas or Nicholas because they remind him of Arabella.

I've tried to find a solution to bring my baby girl back but I haven't even made a break through. I've call Emily but nothing. I even went to the witches for help they to look broken and tried to console me and said they didn't know that Esther and Mikael were planning on killing Arabella they thought that they were going to send her away but they did just to the other side and she's all alone, she's probably scared. Our littlest wolf needs her parents, I other children need their father and I need my mate. I stormed out of the dinning room catching the attention of the Mikaelson siblings and mine and every vampire who is helping to find away to bring her back. I sped down the corridor taking me to Klaus's study and tried opened the doors only to have the bloody locked, I growled and kicked them as hard as I could after a couple of kicks the doors slammed against the wall.

I walked into to find Klaus slumped against a chair a Knife in his heart, he's dead but not for long. I pulled the knife out of him and sat on the window seat in front of waiting for him to wake up and slap some sense in him. I know he his grieving, I am to but I need him, I need him the kids need him, Arabella needs him. I looked past chair which was holding Klaus up and my eyes scanned the room. 
It was covered in Klaus's drawings they showed sadness and anger and then there were claw makes around the room probably from him turning into his wolf form a couple of times and whenever we would come and see him out of the study so he can let off some steam in the woods he would growl and he would change into this vicious creature willing to attack us if we come closer so we left him and all we heard were howls of pains and things being destroyed.

I turned my attention to the other side of the room it was untouched, nothing was destroyed nor were there any claw marks just pictures of me and him and the kids, together as a family. Always and Forever. A gasp grabbed my attention and I looked at Klaus he looked white as snow, his blue eyes dull and no cheeky smile in sight.

'' What are you doing here ?'' He questioned in a raspy voice due to him not drinking any blood and is on the road to dessication.

'' I'm here because I want my fiancee back.'' I answered, Klaus groaned and sunk lower into his chair. I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed the knife in my hand and slammed it in his right leg. He shot up in pain. 

'' Bloody hell Alexandria.'' He hissed as he tried to get the knife out but I was stronger than him for once so I pushed it further in making him cry out in agony.

'' Klaus this wouldn't hurt you if you just feed.'' I told him twisting the knife gaining another scream, I could hear people coming up the stairs to see what was going on, I looked away from Klaus and towards the door where his siblings were standing and so were mine. I shook my head at them telling them don't come in or this knife will be embedded in your skull. 

'' I don't need to feed.'' He muttered letting go of the knife just like that giving up.

'' No.''

'' No ?'' He questioned looking up at me for the first time.

'' You don't get to quit, you're not the only one who lost a child Klaus. I did too, Nicholas and Lucas lost a siblings and our family lost a niece. I understand your grieving, I am too.'' I said but Klaus cut me off by standing up from his chair.

'' You're grieving, you haven't cried at all for her.'' He screamed, I slapped him.

'' How dare you. I have cried for her, I sit in the nursery every night holding onto her favourite teddy bear just waiting for her to come back that if I wake up one morning she'll be in the nursery waiting for us. I watch Lucas and Nicholas play try to look for her Klaus and I cry because what if we can't get her back, what if they lose their sister forever ? What if we have lost her forever ? Klaus I cry, I have watch you beat yourself up and push us all away, you have to stop because I can't do this with out you.'' I said tears streaming down my face. Klaus pulled me into a hug for the first time in a month, I wrapped my arms around him tightly not wanting to let him go.

'' We will get her back Alex, I promise you.'' He whispered in my ear.


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