Us time !

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Alexandria P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since Marcel finding out about me. A couple of days filled with silence which means he's planning. Planning something which he isn't go to win hopefully. I was sat on the window seat in the kids nursery, with Nicholas asleep on my lap. I looked over his features, he had blonde hair like his father and my olive skin, I smiled he will be one handsome lad when he's older I thought.

' Sweetheart your brothers are here.' Klaus said pulling me out my thoughts. I looked away from Nicholas and smiled at my hybrid.
' Ok, will you take Nicholas ?' I asked as I stood up, Nicholas now in my arms.
' Of course love' He replied, walking over to me. I placed our son in his arms. I smiled as I saw that loving shine in Klaus's eye. I kissed Klaus's cheek and made my way out the nursery and down the stairs that led to the lobby.

' Well if it isn't my two favourite Salvatore boys' I yelled as I was on the bottom step. My brothers turned round with grins on their faces, they sped over to me both pulling me into a hug.

' Guys need to' I chocked out. They pulled away still grinning.
' We missed you little sister' Damon said and pulled me into another hug.
' I missed you too'. Damon pulled away only for me to be pulled into a hug by St. Stefan.
' We missed you more' Stefan said as he held on to me tighter. I smiled and pulled away.
' Want to me your niece and nephews?' I asked. They both nodded frantically. I giggled and made my way back upstairs with my brothers in tow. I opened the door of the nursery to find Nicholas and Lucas playing and Arabella in her father's arms. 

' Meet Nicholas, Lucas and Arabella' I said as I made my way over to Klaus.  Damon picked up Nicholas from his crib and started playing with him while Stefan had an adoring  look on his face as he saw Lucas play with his building blocks and knocking them all down only to build them all over again. Both of the babies giggled which caused me and Klaus to smile.

' There so big' Damon said as he placed Nicholas next to Lucas'
' Yep, nearly two months' Klaus replied popping the 'p'.
' And who is this little lady ?' Stefan asked as he walked over to Klaus with the little girl in his arms.
' My princess Arabella' Klaus said as he kissed her cheek and handed her over to Stefan. He smiled down at her and her tiny hand wrapped around his finger.
' She is beautiful' Stefan replied.
' She sure is, going to break a lot of hearts when she's older' Damon said as he stood next to Stefan.
' Just like our sister' Stefan said with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow.
' Ha ha very funny' I muttered all three men chuckled.

 I walked away from the three men and went to my two boys and kissed them on the cheeks causing the to giggle. I smiled. I heard Klaus mutter a few things but wasn't really bothered to what he was saying. I looked at the the two boys in front me, they were playing together. I hope they have this bond when their older. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Klaus's hand on mine pulling me up. I raised an eyebrow and he returned a cheeky smile and pulled me out the nursery.

' Nik, what are we doing ?' I asked as he dragged me down the hall way and into our bedroom.
' Alex, we haven't had us time in a week' He replied and started trailing kisses down my neck making me moan a little.
' I know, what do you have in mind ?'
' Well how about this' Klaus said as he threw me onto the bed. I giggled. He ripped my shirt and pulled my jeans off. Klaus planted small kisses on my stomach making me arch my back, his hand placing itself on my lower back. He smirked against my skin, his lips attacking mine with so much passion, I returned the kiss with as much passion. Klaus's tongue traced my lips but I denied it access which mad him growl, he squeezed my breast. I gasped, his tongue now in my mouth fighting for dominance  in which he won. His hands explored every curve on my body, my hands making their way through his strawberry blond hair making him growl against my lips and causing me to smirk. 

And for a couple of hours we made love, not a care in the world.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now