Hooking up with Katherine yet ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' So Elijah hooking up with Katherine yet ??'' I asked the noble Original as I wiggled my eyebrow. He blushed and turned away from his book.

'' I don't think that's any of your business Alex.'' He answered with a smirk plastered on his face.

'' Your right it's not my business but if you hurt Katherine I'll kick your ass to the moon and back.'' I told him with and innocent smile on my face. 

'' Duly noted.'' Elijah said with a smile on his face.

'' So Elijah do you think the witches are just playing us ?'' I questioned already knowing the answer but want to get someone else's opinion on the matter.

'' It hard to say. The witches have always had it out for our family and with mother on their side she could be manipulating them which adds fuel to the very big fire which seems to be everlasting.'' 

'' Witches are a pain in the ass.'' I muttered but I knew I made a mistake and I paid the price my have my brain fried. Elijah chuckled at my pain and I tried giving him a stink eye but it was not happening.

'' Thanks Em.'' I told the deceased witch after she frazzled my brain.

'' Insulting a dead witch, bad move.'' Elijah said as he continued to read his book.

'' Insulting Emily Bennett is worse than a bad move.'' I replied as I rubbed my temples to get rid of the headache which is the aftermath of the storm which occurred in my head.

'' Back to the topic of the New Orleans witches, I think they need a fresh leader someone who isn't controlled by black magic. They just need to be taught good old traditional magic.'' 

'' Something which hopefully won't screw us over in the future.'' I replied to his statement.

'' Indeed.'' Klaus said as he came into the study.

'' What's  got you all angry ?'' I asked as he kept pacing the room with a serious and deadly look on his face.

'' The Crescent Wolves have decided that if they don't get Arabella they will kill one vampire every day and then two and so on.'' He answered as he finally sat on the sofa opposite me.

'' Crescent wolves are becoming a bigger issue than we thought, is Katherine still searching for the other twin brother ??'' Elijah asked as he put down his book.

'' She is but no look yet.'' I answered as I continued to look at Klaus who seems to be have a battle with himself.

'' They are going to be killing my army which is protecting our children and once that's gone it will just be us.'' Klaus said as he sat forward and messed with the pen on the table. 

'' What if we kill on of their's every time they killed one of ours ?'' I asked as I watched the pen spin uncontrollably on the table.

'' I've thought about that and it could cause more problems than solve them.'' Klaus answered frustrated.

'' Okay, what about instead of killing why not kidnapping ?'' I asked again this time a different method of punishment.

'' That could work Niklaus, torture the victim for answers and we could them as leverage against the wolves.'' Elijah said backing up my idea.

'' Fine, torture is much better than death. Death is to easy for the mutts.'' He answered. Elijah nodded and left the room to tell the rest of the group.

'' Lucas was asking for you.'' I told Klaus as I went to sit next to him.

'' What did my little boy want ?'' Klaus asked with a smile on his face.

'' He wanted his father to paint with him.'' I answered, Klaus turned to me with an even bigger smile on his face.

'' We're his he ?''

'' In the playroom with Kol.'' I answered, Klaus kissed my lips with so much love and then pulled away and said

'' I love you and our kids.'' And then sped away to go paint with one of his little wolves.

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