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Alexandria P.O.V

' Hello Sweetheart.' Klaus said as I walked into the office. 

' Hey, how was your day ?' I asked as I sat on his lap, his arms snaking their way around my waist pulling me closer to him.

'Uneventful, you ?' 

' Eventful.' I replied and smirked up at him, Klaus also with a smirk upon his face.

' Were the triplets good ?'

' The triplets were fine and are now in dream land.' Klaus said with a chuckle. I smiled at his statement.

' The wolves ?' Klaus questioned.

' The wolves were taught a lesson but they are pissed about it which was to be expected. We could face some backlash though. They could group up with the witches, who are probably doing your mothers bidding which could be a big kick in the ass for us and our family.' I said with a sigh. Klaus drew circles on my sides with his fingers his way of making me feel calm and sleepy.

' If there is any indication of that happening then we will just slaughter the pack and maybe the coven.

' We can't do that. If what the Alpha is saying is true about being Arabella's mate then it's going to hurt her. Mental and physically.  And technically the witches haven't really doing anything in the last couple of weeks to permit us murdering them.' I said as I nuzzled my head into Klaus's chest, taking in his scent.

' Arabella will get over it.' 

' Klaus she won't. Even if she doesn't know about him yet she will soon.

' Fine say if we didn't kill him. He will be around treating her like an object and I won't stand for that.' Klaus said his grip on me getting tighter. I rubbed his arm in a soothing manner which lessens his grip.

' He won't because we won't let him but killing him will hurt her, so we won't do it. We will just have to find a way of dealing with him.' I told the Original hybrid who nodded at my statement.

' What about mother ?' Klaus questioned.

' She hasn't made a move yet.'

' Was Emily lying ?'

' Emily wouldn't lie. She hates it when others lie, she would never do it herself. Maybe your mother is weak and is trying to find some power.'

' Or she is waiting for a perfect time to strike.' Klaus muttered.

' We will be fine because we are family. Family is power something she hopefully doesn't have.' I said and kissed his cheek. He looked back down at me and smiled a genuine smile. His dimples on show and his pearly white teeth on show.

' Family is power. Always and forever.' Klaus said as he pecked my lips.

' Always and forever.' I returned and snuggled in to him.


Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now