little adventure

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Alexandria P.O.V

I was walking down the beaten path that led to the wolves pack house. It's pretty hard to find and when your in 500 dollar boots its even harder.

' Rebekah, why did i have to come along on this little adventure ?' I questioned the Original.

' Your always stuck in that blasted compound. This 'little adventure' will do you good.'

' You may have a point of being stuck in the compound but I'm only doing it to protect the triplets whose grandmother is plotting their death.'  I retorted.

' My niece and nephews will be fine. Nik is looking after them and he won't let anything happen to his 'little wolves.' Rebekah replied, which made me giggle.

' Okay, your right.' I told her and myself. We continued walking through the woods and eventually arrived at the wolves pack house but it wasn't a house more like a couple of trailers and tents scattered around the place. The pack was currently standing around a table, probably planning on mine and Klaus's demise which is never going to happen.

' Rebekah what exactly are we doing here ?' I whispered quietly but knowing full well she could hear me.

' Klaus wanted me, well us to teach them a lesson. Nik is furious with the Alpha.'

' I understand that. The doggy dick should really think before he speaks.' I replied which Rebekah replied with giggling and that's when the whole packs heads shot up. Me and Rebekah both sighed but walked into the eye line of the wolves causing them to growl.

' Settle down doggies.' I told them with a smirk on my face. This caused them to growl louder.

' What do you want ?' The Alpha spoke.

' My brother wanted us to teach you a lesson on manners.' Rebekah said with an innocent smile on her face.

' And why is that ?' The Alpha asked.

' You see you were very rude to our family when we invited you and your pack for dinner.' I said and walked closer, the wolves stiffened and a even bigger smirk crawled its way onto my face. They were scared but didn't show it. They are either brave or stupid.

' We were telling the truth.' Alpha said.

' Still you were rude. Which means you should be punished.' Rebekah said and with that she sped over to one of the wolves breaking his arm and smashing his head against a tree. The wolves looked shocked and angry but the fear was still there. While they were to occupied with Rebekah actions, I sped in and took one of the wolves by the neck and broke it. I let go as his body went limp and crashed to the ground with a 'thud'. I smiled and walked back over to Rebekah who has finished with her victim.

' You'll regret this.' The Alpha hissed.

'Maybe or maybe we won't but no one treats our family like that.' I replied my smirk off my face and replaced with a look of anger.

' Come along Alexandria.' Rebekah said and I nodded following out of the area that houses the wolves.

' That was entertaining.' I said.

' It was but it will probably come back and bite us in the ass.'

' One problem at a time.' I replied as we found ourselves back at the car.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now