Before the Ritual

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Alexandria P

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Alexandria P.O.V

Today is the day Elena gets sacrificed. Everybody was sat in the parlour discussing how to kill Klaus and how to save Elena. I don't want Klaus to die he just wants to break a curse placed upon him a thousand years ago, I mean who wouldn't want to break it. He has waited long enough but I couldn't say that because my brothers think I would be betraying them and there was also Elijah and I didn't want to do anything to hurt him. I also couldn't give a damn if dopplebitch stayed dead. I mean come on she is stringing my brothers along and everybody can see it besides them. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Stefan.

' Alex, are you alright ?' He asked.

' Yeah, fine just thinking.' He nodded but not totally convinced by my answer.  

Stefan began to say something about an elixir, Elijah acquired 500 years ago for Katherine but she never got to use it because she took matters into her own hands,I heard Damon speak up.

' Are we really going to give her some magic potion with no expiration date?' He asked.

' Yes Damon, It's Elena's decision.' 

' What about the Gilbert Ring ?' Damon said. Ah that ring is a pain in the back side. In 1864 I killed Johnathan Gilbert only to find him walking around the town square the next day. Emily Bennett is a clever witch.

' It won't work. Elena is a doppleganger a supernatural being.' Elijah said. Damon huffed and walked out the room, Elena following behind. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

' I'm going for a walk.' I told the rest of the group.

' Ria, I don't think that's a good idea, Klaus is out there and he could hurt you.' Stefan said, Elijah nodding in agreement, I sighed.
' Stefan I'll be fine and Klaus wouldn't hurt me' I told him. I looked over to Elijah who had jealousy in his eyes, I gave him a small smile and walked out the house. Thank fuck for that. The house is suffocating me.

I sped into the woods. Looking for campers to dine on but none. I groaned.

' What's wrong love ?' A British voice said, I smiled and turned around.

'  Why do you think something is wrong ?'

' Your body language sweetheart.' I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled.

' There are no campers to feed off.' He smiled at my reply.

' Yes that could be due to the towns warning.' 

' What warning ?' I asked.

' A couple of animal attacks happened a week ago'. I gulped, I knew what he was talking about and that wasn't an animal.

' Oh' was all I could get out.

' I know it was you Alexandria.' He said as he stepped towards me.

' I don't know what your talking about.'

' Don't lie, I saw you killing all those people. Why ?' He asked me.

' Does there have to be a reason ?' 

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now