Who do you think you are ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

I walked into the office and set a bunch of letters onto the desk. I looked at the letters and my curiosity was starting to eat me up but I couldn't open them. There addressed to Klaus and I'm not one of those girlfriends who looks through her boyfriends things. I sighed and made my way out the office and down the stairs leading into the main area of the compound holding a group of vampires and some witches who are currently having a stare off with each other. I raised an eyebrow but walked up to them my black heels clicking against the stone floor. 

' Is there a problem ?' I asked. All their heads shot up. The vampires tough act now replaced with fear but the witches just looked at me with hatred and disgust.

' These witches heard about one of the triplets becoming their prince.' Diego one of the vampires said. I nodded and looked towards the small coven.

' We will not have an abomination as our prince.' The leader of the coven hissed at me. I glared at her.

' Lucas is not an abomination. He will be a great leader and you will not question his leadership.' Klaus said as he came and stood next to me.

' He isn't a full witch.' One of the witches said.

' Lucas may not be full witch but he has more power in him than any coven.' I said defending my family.

' Who do you think you are ?' The leader witch said. I smirked.

' Alexandria Salvatore Mikaelson. Mate of the Original hybrid and the mother of your prince also your Queen.' I said a devilish smirk plastered on my face. Veins appearing under my eyes and my eyes turning bloodshot. The witches emotions changed quickly, fear covered their faces. Klaus smirked and told them to leave and they did.

' Your so sexy when your angry.' He whispered in my ear causing my face to change and me to giggle.

' Thank you, your sexy too.' I whispered back in his ear causing him to growl. I smirked at his action and kissed his cheek and sped away. Leaving him with his mouth open.

' I'll catch you love.' His voice echoed through the compound. I smiled and giggled and hid in the library. I heard Klaus's footsteps coming closer to the library's door. I put a hand over my mouth trying to stop me from giggling but it didn't work. I felt a gush of wind behind me and a pair of arms wrap around my waist causing me to shriek. Klaus chuckled at my reaction and started planting kisses all over my face. I giggled even louder and when he stopped I pouted. 

' Don't pout love. We'll continue tonight.' He said in a seductive tone. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. Our lips fit perfectly together. His tongue traced over my lips asking for entrance and I allowed. We fought for dominance but Klaus won. His hands roaming my body causing me to shiver under his touch. My hands tangled in his blonde curly hair which made him growl against my lips. I smiled and pulled away. That's when he pouted.

' Don't pout love. We'll continue tonight.' I said in a British accent. I smiled innocently at him. I pecked his lips again and started to walk out the library but not before his hand collided with my bum. I turned around and he had a look of lust in his eyes and a cheeky smile on his face. I giggled
and said

' I love you Niklaus Mikaelson.'

' I love you Alexandria Salvatore but hopefully we could make Mikaelson your legal name.' He said with a smirk and I blushed and left the library leaving the Original hybrid with his thoughts.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now