Original Witch

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Continued from last chapter.

'' You must be the girl who stole Niklaus's heart.'' Esther said a small smile on her face.

'' I am indeed that girl.''

'' But you also stole my dear Elijah's heart. It was like history repeating itself, wouldn't you say children ?'' Esther questioned, I dug my nails into my free hand trying not to rip her heart out there and then. Damon groaned probably growing impatient.

''  Alright, we haven't come to  share stories of the past.'' Damon said trying to move things along.

'' You have a point. This is about the children, the children who I hope to stop.'' Esther said.

'' Well hope is a  bitch.'' Damon replied with his infamous smirk plastered on his face, I chuckled at his attitude but others did share my amusement.

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'' Enough of this nonsense. It's time to send dearest mother back to hell.'' Klaus said as he sped over to his mother only to be stopped by an arrow in his chest just barely missing his heart. I gasped as I doubled over in pain, blood started to seep through my white shirt, staining it. Damon and Stefan sped over to me, concern written all over their faces, the Original family kept looking to me with the same amount of concern and then back towards their mother with an emotionless facade. Klaus winced as he pulled the arrow out and rushed back to my side.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now