What I miss ?

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( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

Alexandria P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, I looked around as they adjusted to the light, I found myself in my room. I sighed and sat up to my find my brothers a sleep in the chairs which are placed in the corner of room, I chuckled. 

'Alex ?' Damon said half asleep.

' Yes day ?' 

' Your alright.' He said and vamp sped over to me waking Stefan, he pulled me into a hug.

' Damon, I haven't been out that long.' 

' Ria you've been out for three days.' Stefan said as he sat next to me. My mouth formed a 'o'.

' Well what have I missed ?' I said trying to change the subject.

' Klaus is in town.' Stefan replied and I nodded. I really wanted to meet this guy, when someone said his name it's sent chills down my spine just like Elijah, I pushed that thought back not wanting to dwell on the feelings.

' So do we know what the Original vampire is planning besides the ritual ?' I asked them and they both shook their heads, I sighed. 

' Brilliant, anyway I'm hungry.'  Damon tossed me a blood bag and I drained it instantly.

' It's good to have my princess back.'He said and kissed me on the forehead and left the room.

'Ria, I'm sorry for how I acted a couple of days ago.' Stefan said regret in his eyes,I pulled him into a hug. 

' Stefan it's fine, it was my fault for not telling you. Now lets move on and start fresh.' I told him as I pulled away and gave him a smile, he smiled back and kissed me on the forehead like Damon and left the room. I groaned not wanting to get out of bed, I got some energy and made my way to bathroom and had a shower.

 After I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of ripped black jeans and a white crop top with a pair of black heels. I dried my hair and straightened it leaving it fully down and applying my usual make up. I smiled at myself as I spun in the mirror and sped downstairs to find everyone having a meeting about Klaus. They caught me up to what was happening, I just nodded not really caring if the doppleganger dies or not. The door opened and I turned my head to find Alaric standing there.

' Sorry, i'm late.' He said.

'It's fine, I need you to sign me up as a chaperone for the 60's dance.'  Damon said and I chuckled.
' What's so funny Alex ?' 

' Just the 60's was not your best look, I personally liked the 20's' I said earning chuckles from everyone,I looked over to see Alaric looking at me intently. I shrugged it off.

' Very funny, now what is our plan of attack ?' Stefan said.

' Me !' Some one said. I turned to find a girl who looks a lot like Emily Bennett.

'Bonnie we talked about this.' Elena said.

' Elena I can do this, I have the power.' 
' And where did you get this power ?' I asked raising an eyebrow.

' The witches house in the woods.' Bonnie replied, I turned to my brothers and glared at them. Elena saw my look.

' What ?' She asked. Damon looked at me not to say anything, I smiled sweetly at him. 

' Bonnie you have to be careful with that power.' I told her.

' Don't you think I know that, your just a vampire you don't know anything about witches.' She sneered, I gave her a playful smile. Damon and Stefan just looked at her as if she was insane.

' Listen here witch bitch, you may be all mighty powerful Bennett witch, but I could take you out with out blinking' I said and turned away from her only to receive a aneurysm. 

' Bonnie stop.' Damon hissed at her.

' It's not me !' The Bennett witch answered, I stood up and blinked a few times and looked to everyone, who looked curious but shocked.

' Ria, care to explain ?' Stefan said, I sighed. 

' Well you see the thing is me and my best friend made a deal.'

' Your best friend is dead.' Damon said raising his eyebrow.

' Yup.' I said popping the 'p'.

' What kinda deal ?' Alaric said still looking at me intently. What his up with him ?

' Just that if I threatened a witch she would give me an aneurysm.'  My brothers chuckled.

' Katherine told me about that, but you made it when she was alive now she's dead.' Stefan said a small smile on his face about the memory.

' Yep and still screwing me over from beyond the grave.' I said earning another aneurysm.

' God dammit Emily.' I hissed.

' Wait Emily Bennett is your best friend ? ' Bonnie asked and I nodded and turned to look at them.

' Let's get back to original vampire problem and wipe the smiles of your faces.' I said.

' Okay, well Bon Bon can harness enough power which can kill an original.' Damon said.

' What if it doesn't kill him, he is the big bad original.' Alaric said and I nodded in agreement. Damon shrugged and sped over to Bonnie only to be thrown against a wall.

' I can do it Elena, I can kill him.' Bennett witch said as she looked over to Elena.

' And what if it kills you ?' I questioned, a smirk on my face.

' It won't ! 'She said, I heard her heart beat get faster. Little lying witch bitch.

' Okay.' 

' Alex your my date for tonight.' Damon said, I groaned.

' I hate the 60's !'

' The 60's hate you now go find an outfit.' He said with a smirk, I glared and showed him the finger and sped out the room.

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