Dinner with the wolves

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Alexandria P.O.V

The dinner with the wolves had barley begun but somehow it went from pleasant to wanting to snap their necks. 

' Klaus if this deal is in place it ensures that the pack shall be safe.' The alpha said as he looked towards my mate. Klaus glared at the dog and said

' I am not making a deal with you especially when this deal involves my daughter.'

' Your daughter is my mate. I own her.' The alpha said in a angered tone. Me and Klaus looked at each rage radiating off us and everybody round the table could sense it and the bickering stopped. All eyes were on us. Elijah and Rebekah sat back and just waited for the show to begin where as Kol was looking around the table wondering who was going to have their heart ripped out first's.

' You maybe an alpha but that does not give you the right to talk about Arabella like she is an object.' I hissed at the man, my eyes going bloodshot and veins appeared under my eyes. Klaus smirked at my attitude and intertwined our hands. I instantly calmed down and shot him a small smile.

' Arabella will marry me.' The alpha challenged us. I glared and so did Klaus.

' Arabella shall marry who ever she chooses.' I told him and sent him an innocent smile.

' That is of course Nik let's any man near her.' Kol spoke up earning giggles from me and Rebekah because we know it won't just be Klaus protecting her but Kol, Elijah, Damon and Stefan.

' Yes my dear brother is right, I'm quite surprised neither of my family member's have ripped your tongue's out yet.' Rebekah said as she poured herself another glass on wine.

' I agree.' I said earning a smile from Rebekah, us sister's gotta stick together.

' Arabella Mikaelson is the Queen of wolves. Do you really think she will be accepted if she's not married to one of the highest ranked wolf packs in the world.' The alpha said. I chuckled and so did the rest of the Mikaelson family.

' Arabella doesn't need acceptance. She doesn't need a man to make her Queen. Arabella deserves someone who loves her and who she loves back. Not someone awful man who thinks he's better than everybody else just because he is an alpha of a pack I only heard of a couple of months ago.' I stated a proud smirk made it's way on to my lips. The Mikaelson family looked at me with admiration but Klaus looked at me with lust and love. He smiled and said.

' This dinner is over and if I find you or your pack any where near my daughter or any family member for that matter your heads will roll.' Klaus said in a sadistic tone and then took my hand and led me away from the table and down the hall, closing the big double oak doors behind us. He sped me against a wall and started kissing my neck causing me to moan loudly, thank fuck this part of the compound was soundproof.

' You were amazing sweetheart.' He whispered in my ear. His voice causing me to shiver.

' Thank.. you' I muttered has his hands explored every inch of my body causing me to moan again. Klaus smirked as he knew his teasing was getting to me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Klaus sped us to our room and chucked me on the bed causing me to bounce and giggle. He ripped of his shirt and quickly got of his jeans and shoes and pulled me towards him. I smiled and so did he. He unzipped my dress and flung it on the floor leaving me in my black underwear and heels. His eyes trailed along my body, his eyes turning yellow and lust radiating off him. 

' Your so beautiful.' He said and went down to my underwear and slowly took them off. I bit my lip as i was getting frustrated and he could tell as he was smirking to himself. He planted wet kisses along my thigh leading up to my woman hood, his hand rubbing my breast and the other making circles on my hip. I moaned as he planted small kisses on my woman hood causing me to gasp.

' Klaus.. please.' I begged trying to contain myself. He looked up and his lips made his way to mine.

' I love it when you beg.' He said his voice filled with lust and amusement. That's when the teasing stopped and the love began.


Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now