Three sets of little footsteps

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Klaus P.O.V

I looked down to see the most beautiful creature sleeping in my arms. I smiled and kissed her cheek. 

' Alexandria time to get up love.' I whispered in her ear. A groan escaped her lips. I chuckled.

Alexandria P.O.V

A groan left my lips as Klaus told me to leave the warmth in our bed.

' Sweetheart.' He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. I felt him smirk against my skin. 

' Yes ?' I questioned knowing full well what he is going to ask.

' Up.' He said and slapped my butt and went to the bathroom. I sighed as I no longer could see his cute little butt. I giggled. Our bedroom door opened and I heard three different set's of little foot steps. I smiled as they were trying to be quiet. Klaus came out the bathroom and spotted our children and smirked. He sped behind them and picked them up spinning them around and placing them softly on our bed. All three of them giggled.

' Again Daddy.' Nicholas said still smiling. Klaus shook his head and smiled.

' You can have another tonight.' He said as he laid beside him and kissed his cheek. I smiled at him as Klaus showed so much love for all his children and I am happy that he only shows the real him behind closed doors because then it's just for me or his family. The kids pouted at his statement but shook it off. Arabella decided to start climbing over Klaus where as Nicholas was playing with Klaus's hair and Lucas was fiddling with his fingers.

' Mummy come play with us.' Lucas said as he held out his little hand. I giggled.

' Of course sweetie.' I told the little boy and positioned myself so I was laying beside Klaus our hand intertwined with each other. Klaus kissed my cheek and I blushed. Our kids let out giggles and jumped on us and started to nestle into our chests.

' I love you.' Klaus said as he looked at me.

' I love you too.' I replied and kissed him softly on the lips.

' I love you to little wolves.' He whispered as he stroked Arabella's cheek.

' We love you to.' All three triplet's said in unison. We both smiled and looked down lovingly at our little wolves.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now