Return to Mystic Falls

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' This house isn't creepy at all.'' Rebekah said as we all entered the old witches house.

'' It's only creepy because it's old.'' I said as we walked further into the building.

'' Just like you sister.'' Kol said causing us all to chuckle, Bekah growled and I heard Kol get slapped across the head making us all wince. We eventually found the stairs that led to the basement and we carefully walked down them trying not fall and break our necks as they weren't the strongest of steps I've been on.

'' Careful love.'' Klaus said as I felt his hand on lower part of my back making me shiver which he noticed and I could feel him smirking.

'' This is it.'' Katherine said as we entered the large room covered in dusty books and candles.

'' This is it ? It looks like it hasn't been used in decades.'' Elijah said in a very Bekah way. We turned to him a look of shock on our faces but he shrugged us off and went off to look at the the various piles of books.

'' Just because it hasn't been used by the living doesn't mean it isn't been used by the dead.'' I said.

'' What are we hoping to find here ? Please tell me it's not another one of Emily Bennett's mystical amulets ?'' Damon questions but after Damon spoke all candles suddenly had flames on them.

'' Bon Bon was that you ?'' Katherine asked as she turned to the young Bennett girl.

'' No.'' She answered a look of bewilderment plastered on her face.

'' It happened after Damon said Emily.'' 

The flames on the candles grew bigger, you could here all the shutters on the windows above us shutting and the door to the front of the house slamming shut locking us in, making sure no one gets in and no one get's out.

'' Ria what's happening ?'' Kol asked as he watched the flames get bigger and bigger until they all went out and we were swallowed up into darkness.

'' Fantastic.'' I heard Klaus say but not quite sure where he is.

'' Anyone got a match ?'' I asked but then the candles came to be lit again and standing in the centre of room was Emily Bennett herself holding a baby.

'' Emily.'' I called out, she looked away from the baby and to me a smile on her face.

'' Alexandria.'' She replied, I walked closer to her but was stopped by a force.

'' Don't come closer.'' 

'' I can't even if I tried.'' I told her she giggled but she stopped.

'' Emily where have you been ?'' Stefan asked as he came to stand next to me.

'' And why are you holding a baby ?'' Elijah then asked, she sighed.

'' Mikael happened.''

'' Yes our dear father has seem to of risen from his grave why is that ?'' Kol questioned.

'' Esther brought him back to help her kill Arabella but she was having a change of heart. Esther saw how happy you all were and finally saw you as her children and not monsters but Mikael knew that the plan she created wasn't going to happen and he couldn't let that happen so he took matters into his own hands.'' Emily answered.

'' By getting rid of her.'' I said, Emily nodded.

'' So why haven't you been in contact, you just disappeared ?'' Katherine asked.

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