They are ours !

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Alexandria P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror. My bump was getting big. I am worried as the babies are growing faster, I look 4 months pregnant when in actual fact i'm only 2. I sighed as I rubbed circles on my bare belly. I felt someone's arms wrap around mine and their face nuzzled into my neck. I smiled.

' What are you thinking about love ?' Klaus asked me.
' Our babies'
' What about them ? Are they alright ?' He replied his face removed it self from my neck.
' Their fine, just.. should they be growing this fast ?' I asked and turned to him. 
' Al, they are not like other babies there supernatural which probably means they are growing at a different rate' He said trying to convince me. I smiled.
' Maybe your right. Oh by the way we have an ultrasound in an hour' I told him as i went to go put a t-shirt on.
'Do we really need an ultrasound ?' He asked. I frowned. Of course we do they are our children. He noticed my frown and pulled me into another hug.
'Al, I'm sorry. I know this stuff is important to you and I'll be there.' I nodded.
' Is it important to you Klaus ?' I asked. Klaus looked down and smiled.
' Of course it is love now go get ready' He said with a chuckle. I pulled away and walked over to the closet but before I got in Klaus slapped me on the ass.

' Hey' I said, blushing a little bit.
' You know you love me' He said with his signature smirk. I smiled and went to go get my bag. 

Time skip///

We walked hand in hand as we entered the hospital. We walked up to the desk.

'Hi, we have an ultrasound booked' I said to the nurse.
' Ok, last name ?'
' Mikaelson' I replied. Klaus looked at me with a smile on his face.
'Ok, the doctor is ready now just go down the corridor, it's the first room on your left.' 
' Thank you' I replied and we walked to the room.

'Hey, Alexandria, how you feeling ?' DR. Fell asked.
' I'm fine thanks DR. Fell' 
' Ok, take a seat and lift your shirt.' I nodded and let go of Klaus's hand and lifted my shirt. Dr. Fell then applied cold gel. Which i did not like the feel of. Klaus chuckled at my reaction. I stuck my tongue out which made him chuckle more.

' You ready ?' The doctor asked. We both nodded.
' Ok' She moved the monitor towards the bed, so we can see clearly.
' So, here is girl baby'  and then she moved her finger and said ' this here is the boy baby' I smiled and I look at Klaus who was grinning like the chesire cat. I chuckled and looked back to the screen. The doctor had a puzzled look on her face which worried me.

' What's wrong are they alright ?' Klaus said as he noticed her puzzle look as well.
' It seems that their is another baby.' The doctor said. I raised an eyebrow.
' Another baby ?' I asked. She nodded.
' It's another boy, congratulations' I smiled and looked at Klaus who gave me a kiss on the cheek.
' Also it seems that your children are growing faster than they should be but this is probably because of you to being supernatural.' I nodded.
' I told you love' Klaus said with that ' I told you so look'.
' So does that mean I'll be having them soon ?' I asked.
' Yes, probably in the next two months' Dr. Fell said. My mouth formed an 'o'. Two bloody months.
' Ok, thank you doctor' Klaus said. She nodded and handed us our ultrasound picture of our three babies. I smiled.

Time skip///// Mikaelson mansion.

'Ok, we have important new to tell you all' Klaus said with a smirk on his face.
' What is it ? Are the babies okay ?' Rebekah said worry in her voice. 
' Rebekah the babies are fine, they are growing faster than they should. So that means they could be here in the next two months' I said to the blonde original. Everybody went from shock to happy after I said that.
' But that's not the only news' Klaus said.
' Then what is it ?' Damon asked.
' Well we thought we were having twins but we're not' I said.
' Triplets' Elijah said making everybody gasp besides Rebekah who squealed like a teenage girl.
'Another boy' Klaus said still smirking. I pulled out the picture of the babies and handed it to Stefan who had tears in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug. They handed the picture round everybody smiling and a few tears were spilled.

'Please tell me this boy will be called Kol junior ?' Kol said with a cheeky grin.
' Sorry brother, but my little boy's name will be Nicholas Damon Elijah Mikaelson' Klaus said. Damon sped to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
' Thank you' He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Damon always wanted to have his name in his kids, it's like passing down an old family air loom and I knew how much it mean't to him.
' Your welcome day' I said and he pulled away only to be pulled back into another hug by Elijah. I smiled. After a while everybody went home. I had to pry the picture out of Rebekah's hand.

Me and Klaus were laid in bed looking at the ultrasound. I have three babies and a wonderful man. How did I get so lucky. 

' They are ours' Klaus said as he pointed to the three babies. I smiled.
'  Our princess and our prince's' I replied he chuckled.
' And you are my Queen' He said.
' And you are my King' I replied and placed my lips on his, giving him a soft and gently kiss. I felt him smile against my lips. His hands moved down to my thighs pulling me on to his lap. I giggled as he made small kisses on my jawline moving down to my soft spot and sucked which made me stop giggling and replaced it with a moan. Klaus smirked  against my skin. His lips made they way back up to my lips, his tongue traced over asking for entry in which i denied. He growled which caused me to giggle. He smirked, one of his hands moved to my breast and the other to my bum and he squeezed them causing me to gasp. He took this as an invitation and slipped his tongue in. We both thought for dominance but he clearly won. After that we made love all night.

It was now 5:30 in the morning. The bed was broken and the pillows were destroyed. I heard Klaus chuckle. I smiled then yawned.

' Get some sleep love' Klaus whispered in my ear. I nodded and curled up beside him. His arm draped protectively over my bump. I smiled and before I let sleep take over I heard him say

' I love you Alexandria'
' I also love you my little wolves.' I smiled and dreamed about Arabella, Lucas and Nicholas.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now