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Klaus P.O.V

I had Alexandria wrapped in my arms. My hand rubbing circles on her stomach that held our children. I smiled and thought back to the day Emily Bennett told us.


' Alexandria Rose don't act foolish, she is after what's inside you' Emily hissed at Alex.
' What's inside her ?' I asked the Bennett witch as I looked at Alex.
' A child' Emily replied, I stood there shocked and looked down at her stomach hearing a heartbeat.

Another flashback

' Congratulations, your having a girl and a boy' She said and disappeared. I smiled and looked over to Alex who turned to me, she had this big smile on her face. I sped over to her and pulled her into a hug.
i am going to be dad. I'm going to be a king in the future, now i've got my Queen and my heirs. I thought.

End of Flashback

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alex. 

' Hey, are you alright ?' She asked in a soft voice. I looked down and smiled.
' Perfect'  She smiled and leaned up to kiss me, I immediately responded pulling her onto my lap.
I trailed kisses down her neck and sucked on her soft spot causing her to moan. I smirked and she giggled. My hands moved there way to the small of her back. Alex pulled away and I had a funny look on her face. I furrowed my eyebrows.

' Alex, what's wrong sweetheart ?' I asked. She looked at me and sped into the bathroom. I heard her throw up. I sighed and made my way over to her.
' That was not sexy ' She said making me chuckle. I crouched down and rubbed her back.
' Morning sickness sucks' She continued to say as she moved away from the toilet. I nodded and pulled her into a hug.
' Just remember it will be all worth it in 9 months' I told her. 
' I know but it still sucks' I chuckled, her hand placed it self on her little bump that has formed.
' Come on, let's get you breakfast' I said and pulled her off her feet.

Alexandria P.O.V

It's been a couple of hours. Klaus had to leave to go deal with his hybrids. Stefan and Damon went to go deal with Elena. I was left alone with my own thoughts which can be very dangerous.

'Al' A voice boomed through the house. I walked out the kitchen to find Rebekah with movies and food. I smiled.
' Hey Beka, what you got there ?'
' Movie day' She said and dragged me into the parlour and sat me on the couch. I giggled.

' What we watching first ?' I asked.

' The avengers' I nodded at her choice, it was a good movie. She sat down and handed me a bag of popcorn.

We finished watching movies at 10. It was a good day but I am exhausted. Even though i have just sat on my ass all day.

' Beka, want to stay the night ?' I asked the blonde original.
' I would love too' She said and smiled. I dragged her to my room and tossed her a pair of pjs. 
I stripped and changed into a pair of pj shorts and Klaus's shirt. I walked over to the mirror and lifted the shirt showing my small bump. I smiled and gave it a gently rub.

' I can't wait for those babies to be born' Rebekah said as she appeared behind me. I smiled.
' Your going to spoil them'
' That's what aunts do, have you thought of names yet ?' She asked and I nodded. She squealed.
' Tell me'
' Okay for the boy it's Lucas Stefan Niklaus Mikaelson and for the girl it's Arabella Emily Rebekah Mikaelson' I told her. I looked up to see tears in Rebekah's eyes.
' Your daughter has my name' She said and I nodded. She pulled me into a hug.
' Thank you'
' Your welcome' I said we stood there for a few moments but we were disrupted by a bang. I pulled away and looked at the original with a confused expression in which she returned.

' Stay here and call Klaus' She said as she left the room. I made my way over to my bedside table and dialled Klaus's number.

' Hello love'
' Klaus there is someone in the house' I told him.
' Are you alone ?'
' No Rebekah is here, she went to go check it out.'
' Ok, go hid and I'll ' Klaus was cut off by a scream. I dropped the phone and sped downstairs to find Rebekah with her neck snapped. My mouth formed an 'o'. I looked up to see a group of people.

' Who the hell are you ?' I asked.
' The Crescent Wolves' A man said. I raised an eyebrow.
' As in New Orleans' The man nodded.
' Why are you here ?' I asked.
' To take you back to Marcel' Another man said as he sped over to me getting ready to stab me with vervain but I was to quick and snapped his neck. A woman sped towards me but my hand shot through her chest, my hand wrapped around her heart, squeezing hit. I smirked.

' I am not going back to Marcel' I hissed her body dropped to the floor as her heart followed. I heard Rebekah stirring. About bloody time.

' He is not done with you' A woman said. I glared at her. I picked up the fire poker and sped over to her and slit her throat. 

' Anyone else. I am extremely pissed and hormonal at the moment so I wouldn't try anything' 
Two more wolves sped to me but they stopped and dropped to the ground. I looked up to find their hearts in Klaus's hand. I smiled.

' Who do you think you are ?' A man said.
' I am klaus Mikaelson' He replied with a devilish grin.
' The Original hybrid' Someone said, the rest of the pack gasped. Dramatic.
' You've heard of me fantastic' Klaus said and sped towards a man and compelled him.
' Why are you here ?' He compelled.
' To take the girl back to Marcel for torture' The man responded in a mono-tone voice. If looks could kill that man would be dead. Klaus looked beyond pissed.
' Well i'm not going to let that happen' Klaus said and snapped his neck. The door burst open, I turned around to find Kol and Elijah.  Three wolves sped over two them but they had their hearts ripped out. A wolf attacked me from behind. He put my in a chock hold. Klaus and his brothers stepped forward but stopped.
' If you move, i'll kill the girl' He said holding a stake to my heart. I started to panic if he kills me, would my babies die. I looked over to Klaus who had the same panic as me in his eyes.
' Let her go' Klaus said trying to reason with the crazy wolf.
' Marcel needs the bitch' The wolf sneered. Klaus looked even more pissed than he did before. All of the sudden the wolf fell to the floor crying in pain. I smirked.

' That's what you get for messing with a Bennett witches best friend' I said as I bent over and ripped his heart out, dropping it to the ground. 

' Thanks em' I whispered.

Klaus sped to me and pulled me into a hug. He pulled away and looked at me concern in his eyes.

' Sweetheart, I told you to hide' He said annoyance clear in his voice.
' I was but I heard Rebekah scream and I thought she was hurt so I came to help' I said as I looked at the blonde original who was still knocked out. He sighed and pulled me into another hug.
' If something happened to you Alex, I don't think I could go on' He said. I smiled.
' Don't worry, you'll never lose me' I said and gave him a kiss on the lips. I pulled away and he gave me a smile. I turned around and looked at Elijah and Kol and sped towards them pulling them into a group hug.

' Thank you' I said.

' Your welcome little devil' Kol said.
' Are you alright Alexandria ?' Elijah asked as I pulled away and nodded.
' What did they want ?' Kol asked.
' Me'
' Why ?' Elijah said,
' You know the king who tortured me for two months' Elijah nodded.
' Well he some how found my location and wants me back, so he can torture me again' I said, I looked to the ground not letting the tears come out. I felt Klaus pull me into a hug.
' I am never going to let that bastard get his hands you sweetheart' He said.

' Klaus I don't care about me, as long as our children are safe that's all that matter' I said. He shook his head but didn't push. I sighed.

' What the hell happened ?' I heard my older brother say. 
' Wolves and Marcel' I said summoning it up. He pulled me away from Klaus and into his arms.
' Oh little one, how did he find you ?' Damon asked me.
' I don't know, I have never told anyone of what happened besides you and Stefan and Klaus and his family and Bonnie and Elena.' He nodded, I heard footsteps enter the room. I pulled away and saw Stefan and Elena.
' Alex,' Stefan said he walked over to me and checked me over, his big brother instinct kicked in.
' What happened ?' He asked, I groaned.

' Marcel, the king of New Orleans happened' Damon answered for me. Stefan nodded and pulled me into another hug. I looked and saw Elena looking nervous. I raised an eyebrow.
'We should of been here' Stefan said.
' Stefan, you and Damon we're helping Elena and you couldn't of known' I said giving him a reassuring smile.
' Alex, is right Stefan. We couldn't of known. Elena said but her heart skipped a beat indicating that's she lying. I wasn't the only who noticed as Kol has the same look on his as mine did.
' Elena your heart skipped a beat' Kol said raising an eyebrow at the doppleganger.
' Maybe because i'm in a room filled with vampires' She said, her heart skipped another beat.

' Elena, why are you lying ? What aren't you telling us ?' I asked her. Damon and Stefan looked at her confused.

' She called Marcel' Elijah said. I looked at her and I knew.
' You little bitch' I said as I vamp sped her to a wall smacking her head against it. Her hands scratching at my hands but it made them tighter.
' I had to' She chocked out.

' Why ?' Stefan said with a pissed look.

' Because Stefan, ever since she came you haven't focused on me' She said as she gasped for air.
' You put the woman i love and my children in danger because you weren't getting attention' Klaus hissed at the doppleganger. She nodded. I dropped her to the ground and stepped away from her.
' Your right Elena, your nothing like Katherine.' she looked up.
' Your worse' I finished saying.
' No, I am not'
' Yes you are, Katherine would never do that. She may hate me but she would never put a childs life at risk' I sneered at her. Elena stood up and looked at my brothers asking for help. 
' Elena get out' Damon said.
' What ?'
' Get out Elena, before I rip your heart out' He yelled. She jumped and ran out the house.
' Tonight was eventful' I said earning nods from everyone. I heard a gasp.
' What the bloody hell ?' Rebekah said as she stood up.
' You missed the fun' I said. 

 After that we all said goodnight. Klaus took me up to my room and put me in to bed. I felt the bed dip and his arm wrap itself around my waist protectively. I smiled and moved closer to him, feeling the heat radiate off him. His hand rubbing my bump.

' I love you Klaus' I said.
' I love you to Alexandria' He replied and kissed me on the cheek.

' I also love you little wolves' I heard him whisper, I smiled and let the darkness consume me.


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