Will you ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

It's a week after Christmas and finally the decorations are coming down. Christmas was fun. The whole family together, the triplets opening their first ever present and seeing the smile on their faces was pure joy. Stefan and Rebekah have started secretly dating and I only found out when I saw them eating each others faces off in the kitchen. It was disturbing. 

' Sweetheart come here for a second.' Klaus said pulling me out of my Christmas filled thoughts.

' Yes ?' I questioned as I walked onto the balcony. He pulled me into his chest and kissed me on the lips with so much loved it nearly made my knees give in. Klaus pulled away and smiled at me.

' What was that for ?'

' I love you.' Klaus answered. I smiled.

' I love you too.'

' Alexandria, you are the most wonderful girl in world. Your beautiful, kind, loving and ruthless and a long list of other things I love about you. You gave me three amazing children. You are my Queen and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you Alexandria Rose Marie Salvatore do me the honour of becoming Mrs Mikaelson ?' Klaus asked as he got down on one knee and opened a box with a beautiful ring inside. 

I smiled at him and nodded my head repeatedly.

' Yes.. Yes I will marry you.' I said holding back the happy tears. Klaus got up and placed the ring on my finger. I kissed his lips as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

' I love you Alexandria, your mine forever.' Klaus said as he pulled away.

' I love you too Niklaus, I am yours and you are mine.' I told him with a smile, my hands cupped his face and I pulled him into another kiss. 


I know it's short but I have been waiting to do this chapter for a while. The next couple of chapters Mikael and the Original witch will be making their first appearance. 

Also should Katherine return ?

 What should happen to Elena ? 

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now