Emily and her messages

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Alexandria P.O.V

I felt amazing. Klaus and me made love once or twice last night. I smiled.

' Good morning love' A sexy raspy voice said.
I turned towards him and found him smirking. His blue eyes filled with happiness.
' Good morning handsome' Klaus pulled me into him, his arms wrapping around my body.
' Last night was fun'
' It was, wasn't it sweetheart.' I said mimicking his British accent. Klaus chuckled.
' That accent was terrible' I frowned but it turned into a smile and I giggled.
' What are your plans for today ?'
' Well, i thought i could spend the day in bed with my girlfriend' Klaus replied and smirked.
' I would love that, but i promised Rebekah that I'll spend the day with her' He frowned and I giggled at the sight.
' Is there any way i could persuade you?' He asked as he trailed kisses down my neck causing me to moan.
' Do you really want to face the wrath of Rebekah'
' Good point' He said and his lips crashed to mine, the kiss was filled with passion and i loved it. Until we were disturbed. Klaus groaned.

' Who is it ?' I called out.
' Damon'
' What do you want Damon ?'
' Emily is here' Was all he said. I sped out the bed and into the closet throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweater and a pair of heels. I brushed my hair leaving it curled. I walked out to find Klaus already dressed. I nodded and he followed me out the room and into the parlour. The room was filled with Klaus's family and mine and of course the Bennett witch and Doppleganger bitch and in the middle stood Emily. I smirked.

' Hello Bestie '
' Alexandria' Emily said.
' Can i ask why your here ?' Damon said. I nodded.
' Can't I visit my best friend Mr Salvatore ?' Emily asked. I smirked.
' Oh dear Emily, we all know that's bullshit, now cut to the chase' I replied. Klaus smirked at how bold I was.
' Well Alexandria there seems to be something coming for you'
' What is the magical something ?' I said and chuckled. Earning ' Stop acting foolish looks' from my brothers. I rolled my eyes.
' A witch'
' Isn't it always a witch' I said and smirked at her. She shook her head.
' Alexandria Rose don't act foolish, she is after what's inside you' Emily hissed at me.
' What's inside her ?' Klaus said as he looked at me.
' A child' I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down to my stomach.
' Wait what, how is that possible she's dead Emily' Stefan asked. I looked back up and scrunched my nose, I was starting to smell a certain thing and it was not agreeing with me. I sped out the room and into Damon's bathroom has his was the closest and threw up in toilet. Bloody hell. I felt a presence coming next to me, I lifted my head to find Rebekah rubbing my back and holding my hair. I smiled and threw up again. After a while it stopped. I cleaned myself up and me and Rebekah walked back to the parlour.

' Are you alright love ?' Klaus asked as he pulled me into a hug.
' Yeah i'll be fine' I said and pulled away and looked towards Emily.
' What does the witch want with my baby ?' I asked pissed.
' She wants the power the child holds Alexandria.'
' What is the power my child holds ?' Klaus sneered at the Bennett witch.
' Your child is gifted. It has the power of three.'
' A tribrid' Elijah said and I raised an eyebrow.
' Are you saying that thing inside my sister is a vampire, wolf and witch' Damon said pointing to my stomach.
' Damon it's a baby not a thing' Rebekah hissed at him. He glared.
' You are correct Mr Salvatore, the child is all those things. The witch sees it as an abomination, but the witches on the otherside do not including me' Emily said and I smiled at her and she smiled back.
' Who is the witch ?' Stefan said.
' Ester'
Klaus and his family gasped, I looked at them confused.
' Who ?' I asked puzzled still written on my face.
' The original witch' Elena said, how the hell did she know. I thought about it shit.
' Original witch is obviously your mother' I said and looked over to Klaus who nodded to confirm it.
' Why does she want to kill her grandchild ?' Bonnie asked.
' Because Bonnie she see's it as an abomination and also the child hold great power but there could be two children in Alexandria's womb that would be an even greater power' Emily said to her descendant.
' Twins ?' I said. Emily smiled and nodded. I am going to be a mother and Klaus is going to be a father. I mentally chuckled.
' Alexandria, these babies are very powerful and could weaken your body over time, you would not die because of your bond with Klaus, but you will have to have them surgically removed'' Emily said.
' And if I don't have them surgically removed ?'
' Your body would give out and you would go in to a coma ' She said and my mouth formed an 'o'
' That can't be good' I said and chuckled.
' Alex this isn't funny' Stefan argued.
' Oh Stef, chill out. When this witch comes I will rip her out and I don't care if she is your mother or not' I said and turned to the original family.
' I don't care, she threatened Kol junior' Kol stated and smirked. The others agreed.
' How do you know it's a boy ?' Klaus asked as he raised an eyebrow.
' I can feel it' Was all he said.
' If you like Alexandria, I can tell you if you like ?' Emily asked. I looked back to Klaus who looked like a kid on Christmas. I smiled and nodded. She grabbed my hand and started to chant. A breeze came through the house, lighting the candles. I chuckled. Everybody looked at me like i was crazy. But I wasn't me and Emily would always go to the woods and practice her magic so she could become the brilliant witch she is today. I loved the way the nature and magic was linked. I felt Emily's hand let go of mine.

' Congratulations, your having a girl and a boy' She said and disappeared. I smiled and turned to Klaus who sped over to me and pulled me into a hug.
' Told you there was going to be boy' Kol said and Rebekah scoffed. I pulled away and looked at my brothers. They both looked shocked. My mood dropped, what if they don't like the babies or see them the way Ester see's them. I grimaced at the thought. They looked up and smiled. I raised an eyebrow.

' Guys ?' I asked. They sped over to me and pulled me into a hug.
' I am going to be the favourite uncle.' Damon whispered in my ear but made sure Stefan, Kol, Elijah and Finn heard. They all scoffed and I chuckled.
' I bet you are brother' I said and he kissed me on the cheek. He pulled away.
' Congrats Ria' Stefan said and kissed my other cheek as he pulled away. I smiled.
Rebekah came up to me and pulled me into a hug.
' And i'll be the favourite Aunt'
' Your there only Aunt' Klaus said with a smile. In which she glared but she chuckled. She pulled away and the rest of the originals came up to me and congratulated me including Bonnie but Elena looked pissed. I sighed and turned back to Klaus, who held out his hand in which I took and he sped me up to my room. And Placed me on the bed.

' What no roughness ?' I asked and raised an eyebrow. He chuckled.
' Sorry love, your carrying our children got make sure their safe.' He said and I smiled.
' Klaus we're going to be parents'
' I know, a family' He said and leaned into kiss me. I kissed back his lips were so soft. He pulled away. I frowned missing his lips. He chuckled and moved his way down to my stomach and placed a little kiss on it. I giggled.
' Hello little wolves' Klaus said with a smile on his face.
' What shall shall their names be?' I asked. He thought for a moment.
' Lucas Stefan Niklaus Mikaelson for the boy' He said and I smiled and nodded.
' You can chose our princesses name love' I immediately new the name I wanted to call the girl.
' Arabella Emily Rebekah Mikaelson.' I replied and he chuckled.
' A name fit for a princess' Klaus said as he made his way back up to my lips. He kissed me and pulled me onto his lap.
' I won't let anything happen to your or my children' Klaus said as he kissed my forehead.
' I know'
' I love you Alexandria'
' I love you too Niklaus' I replied he smiled. His hand placed it's self on my stomach.
' I love you to little wolves' He said as he rubbed circles on my stomach. I smiled and thought about the future.

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