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Alexandria P.O.V ( Picture of outfit)

It's been a week and a lot has happened in one week. Elena found out that she is needed to be sacrificed for some curse. Another original is coming after her  named Klaus because he wants to break the curse. We also paid a visit to Katherine who was rotting away in the tomb and she told us who she was running from and why. And now me, Elena and Rose and in the car on the way to Richmond to go see a man named Slater and that's what you missed on Glee. 

' Elena are you sure this is a good idea ?' Rose asked.

' Yeah Elena, this is probably the worst idea you could of come up with.'

' There has to be another way or something to stop the sacrifice.' Elena said.

' Elena this curse has been around for thousands of years, if there was a way they would of found it already.' I told her which shut her up, I turned my head out the window and started to think about Elijah. The car finally stopped. We were outside an apartment building. I got out and slammed the door and started walking into the building, my heels clicking against the wooden steps. 

' Rose what floor ?' I asked.

' Top floor'. I nodded and we made away upstairs. We finally got to Slaters apartment, I made my way to open the door but it was locked. I knocked and no answer.

' Well Elena it seems we have wasted our time'  Rose said.

' No we did not come all this way for nothing.' She argued,I groaned. I walked back over to the door and kicked it, making it fly open and chains clattering to the ground, I turned back to the other two who raised their eyebrows.

' What ? ' I asked walking into the apartment. For a vampire he really was a pack rat as I entered I smelt dead and rotting flesh. 

I looked around and found a dead guy on the floor. I'm guessing Slater.

' Well it looks like he isn't going to be much help.' I told them. They both walked in and their eyes widen.

' Oh my god.' Elena said.

' Well it looks like we did waste our time.' I told the doppleganger who frowned at my choice of words.Rose dragged his body into another room due to his funky smell.

' What do we do now ?' I asked Elena, she sighed and made her way over to the desk full of computers. 

' There has to be something on one of these.' Elena said as she started to type only to not get very far because it was password protected. Rose came back into the room and sat on the couch.

' I'm sorry about your friend.' Elena turned to her.

' Don't be it was his own fault for knowing to much.' Rose answered,I chuckled and got a glare from the doppleganger. There was a bang, it sounded like it came from inside the apartment.

' What was that ?' Doppleganger asked us. I just shrugged and Rose left to go check it out.
We stood there for a minute, waiting for Rose. She made her way back out with a young girl who looked like a ship wreck.

' Rose who is this ?' I asked her.

' This is Alice, Slater's girlfriend.' 

' Oh. ' 

' I'm Sorry for your loss.' Elena said. God why does she have to be nice to everyone.

' Thank you.' The girl sniffled out. I walked over to Rose who whispered ' She is only crying because she was using him so he would turn her.' I nodded what a bitch.

' I know this is going to sound a bit weird, but do you know the passwords to the computers.'
Elena asked Alice.

' What ? why would you ask that my boyfriend just died ?

' I know but I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.' Elena replied. I sighed.

' If you help, me or Rose will turn you.' I told her earning a questioning look from Rose.

' Wait..' Rose was speaking but i cut her off, giving her ' trust me look'. She nodded.

' Will  you help us now ?' Elena asked.

' Fine.' The girl made her way over to the computers and typed a couple of random words in and the next she was in his system.

' What do you want to find  out ?' She asked us.

' We want to find Klaus.' Elena asked earning raised eyebrows.

' You won't find Klaus unless he wants to be found.'' Elena made her way over to the computer and pointed to a file called originals.

' What about that name ?' She asked Alice.

' Cody Webber ? Why do you want to contact him ? 

' Because he is part of Klaus's inner circle according to the file'.  Elena replied.

' Elena what are you planning ?' I sneered at her.

' What message would you like to give him ?' Alice asked.

' There is no message, right Elena ? Rose said.

' Tell him that the doppleganger is alive and wants to meet .' Elena said. Alice gasped but went back to the computer.

' What ?' I yelled, the bloody bitch.

' This was never about finding information, it was about you and your death wish.'  Rose said.

' What death wish ?' I asked.

' She doesn't want your brothers protection because of what Katherine said about her family being slaughtered.'

' Elena that was because Katherine ran your not running your handing yourself over to the devil.' I told her.

' I know that Alex, but if it protects my friends and family, I'm all for it.' I groaned and threw my hands up in the air, cursing.

' You are such a martyr Elena, what would my brothers say ?' I hissed at her.

' They won't find out until I'm gone.' Elena said sheepishly.

' Oh Elena, remember what I said to you when we first met ?' She nodded.

' Well Klaus would be a bit disappointed because your heart will be on the other end of the room.'
Before you could she could say something, Alice interrupted.

' Cody, he is on his way.' I sighed and if looks could kill Elena would be dead.

'What about the deal ?' Alice asked us.

'Oh yes that.' I sped over to her and snapped her neck.

' What was that for ? Elena said with a look of disgust.

' She was a loose end Elena.' I told her and walked towards Rose and handed her my phone and whispered ' Call Damon to come pick us up.'


( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

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