Elijah in my bedroom ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

I was sat on my bed swinging my legs over the edge, I started to think about everything that has happened for starters I was intrigued by this Klaus, I don't know why, then there's Elijah he somehow made my heart flutter when ever he was near me or when he spoke it sent chills down my spine. I sighed but I was pulled out of my thoughts due to a bang, I sat up and looked around my room only to find Elijah sat on my window seat.

 I sighed but I was pulled out of my thoughts due to a bang, I sat up and looked around my room only to find Elijah sat on my window seat

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' Elijah.''

' Alexandria.'

' May I ask what your doing here ?' I said making my way over to him.

' I wanted to see if you were alright ?' After he said that my heart could not stop fluttering he seemed to notice due to the smirk on his face.

'I'm fine thank you, what about you ?' 

' What about me ?' He said with a questioning look.

' Has anybody ever asked if you were alright ?' 

' No they haven't, In my 1000 years, your the first person to ask me that.' He told me as he grabbed my hands, I smiled as I looked down trying to hide my blush. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my face up so I was looking at him.

' Your very cute when you blush, don't try to hide it.' He said causing me to blush more. 

' Thank you for today.' I told him.

' Your welcome.'

' How did you know that we were there ?' 

' I knew because I've been tracking you'  I nodded, me why me ?

' Why ?'

' Because my dear Alexandria, you have light in you that I have never seen before. When I first saw you I thought you were an angel. I tracked you because I couldn't bear to lose you even though iv'e known your for a short period of time.' He told me, I sat there shocked no one has ever said anything like that to me before.

' I'm sorry, I shouldn't....' Before he could finish I crashed my lips to his, he responded immediately.  He vamp sped me to the bed and pinned me down causing me to giggle against his lips. We kissed passionately my hands running through his hair causing him to growl, I smirked. His tongue glided along my lips asking for entry, I denied causing him to growl again. His hands made there way to my bum and he grabbed it causing me to gasp, he took the opportunity and slipped his tongue in and he fought for dominance and he won. His hands made his way down to the bottom of my shirt and he ripped it off. I giggled causing him to smile. I took off his jacket and his tie and ripped off his shirt. He started trailing kisses down my chest causing me to moan and him to smirk against my skin. Elijah made his way back up to my lips kissing them gently, then he made his way down to my neck making me moan as he sucked on my soft spot before we could finish we were interrupted by a knock on the door, I groaned which made Elijah chuckle.

' Who is it ?' I asked.

' Stefan.'

' Oh hang on. '

'Why ?' 

'Because I'm doing something just wait.' Or doing someone I thought.

'Okay.' I looked over to Elijah and mouthed ' Sorry'. He nodded and picked up his clothes and made his way over to my window, I followed and before he left he gave me a gently peck on the lips. I smiled and with that he sped off, I picked up a shirt and put it on and made my way to the door.

' Stefan what can I do for you ?' I asked as I opened the door,He didn't say anything he just pulled me into a hug.

'Stefan ?' I asked puzzled.

' Thank god your safe.' Is all he said and with that we just stood there hugging for a while. We pulled away and he led me out the bedroom and into the parlour where  Damon was currently sat drinking.

' We need sibling bonding.' Stefan said me and Damon raised eyebrows.

' When have we ever done bonding Stefan ?' Damon asked.

' In 1864.'  I sighed he was right we haven't really been together all three of us.

' Stefan's right Damon' I said.

' Fine what do you have in mind ?' Stefan walked out the room for a minute and came back in with a bowl of popcorn, a case of beer and a couple of movies. I smiled and Damon smiled too. 

' Movie night.' I said and made my way over to the couch and sat next to Damon who put his arm around me. Stefan put the film on and sat on the other side of me and held the bowl of popcorn. This is nice, I missed them and wanted to do this more often even if it was in this god forsaken town.


If you like the Salvatore sister check out my new book Mikaelson Sibling.

( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now