Caught you

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Alexandria P.O.V

I was speeding down the corridor's and ended up in our bedroom. I smirked as I went into the closet and stripped. I put on a pair of black panties and black bra and sprayed Daisy by Marc Jacobs all over my skin. I heard the bedroom door open and close and footsteps coming towards the closet door.

' Sweetheart i know your in there.' Klaus said through the door. I smiled and stood waiting for him to open the door.

' I'm coming in love.' He said and opened the door as soon as his eyes landed on me his mouth fell open. I twirled, his eyes filled with lust and his mouth now shut turning into a devilish smirk.

' I think I was supposed to catch you.' He said in a husky voice as he pulled me over to him. I giggled.

' Maybe I wanted to end the game quicker.' I replied with a seductive smile. He smirked and sped me over to the bed pushing me down.

' Sweetheart if you wanted this you didn't have to run you could of just asked.'He said in the crook of my neck causing my breath to hitch. I felt him smirk then he begun to suck on my neck which is probably going to lead to a love bite. I moaned as he sucked harder, my hands running through his hair. He pulled up and kissed me hungrily on the lips, his tongue traced mine and I denied access causing him to growl. I smirked but gasped when he grabbed a hold of my bum and squeezed which opened my mouth, his tongue slipped in and fought for dominance which he won.  He pulled away and looked down to my neck, veins starting to appear underneath his eyes. I rubbed my fingers over the veins, he looked at me and I nodded. His face moved slowly to the crook of my neck, his fangs grazing against my tanned skin. My breath becoming hitched. I waited and that's when his fangs pierced my skin. I moaned as the pleasure rushed through me. Klaus's moan's and mine filled the room.

And for the rest of the morning we made love.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now