Killing isn't it so much fun

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( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

Alexandria P.O.V

After crying for an hour, I got off the floor and got dressed into a white dress and a pair of white heels.
I made my way downstairs to find everyone sitting in the parlour.

' What's going on ?' I asked.

' We heard you crying Ria, what's wrong ?' Stefan answered concern evidently present in his tone.

' Nothing.'

' That's a lie, seriously what's wrong ?' He asked again, I looked over to Damon who was looking down at the ground.

' Stefan, i'm fine.' I stated he clenched his fists due to him getting angry this happened a lot whenever I was upset or in pain, Stefan caring and sweet personality would completely disappear only to be replaced by anger and sadness as he didn't like seeing me in such a state but he wasn't angry with me his anger never affected me it would always be the person who made me upset even if it was him.

' Alex why don't you tell me ?' Elena asked me with a small smile, I shook my head.

' There's nothing to tell.' I told everyone.

' Ria.' Stefan said firmly.

' Stefan leave her alone.' Damon finally spoke up, Stefan looked over to our older brother.

' Damon she is our little sister, she's upset about something. Why are you sat their doing nothing ?Unless you already know why she's upset'. Stefan questioned looking between me and Damon.

' You've got to be kidding me.' Stefan muttered.

' Stefan please just leave it.' I said tears brimming my eyes. 

' No Ria.' He said as he grabbed my arms, I winced at his touch which he noticed.

' Stefan, don't !' Damon said as he sped over to us..

' Stefan.' Elena called out, he let go of me a regretful look in eyes and before he could say anything I sped into the woods not wanting to be around them and their pity.

Damon P.O.V

' Well done brother' I said as I went to pour myself a drink.

' Damon she winced at my touch, she's never do that. Damon what's going on ??' I sighed at his question, I had to tell him.

' In the 1930's, Alexandria was tortured by the king of New Orleans.' I told Elena and Stefan their eyes widen at the revelation.

' Why ?' 

' Because a guy she was involved with double crossed the king and he blamed it on her and that's why she was tortured for two months.' I answered Elena question.

' Two months !!' Stefan yelled.

' Where were you Damon ?' Stefan asked.

' I was in New York.'

' How could we let this happen ?' Stefan said running his hands through his hair.

' Stefan you were on a ripper binge and I was in New York cleaning up your messes.' I told him.

' We should go after her.' Elena said.

' No not yet, she needs to get it out her system' I told them.

' How does she do that?' Stefan asked me.

' She kills'. I said, Stefan looked disappointed and Elena looked like someone has just been shot.

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