Our day

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Alexandria P.O.V

I was laid across the bed watching Klaus paint. I found it relaxing when he painted, it took my mind of things especially the packs and my boyfriend's mother. It was a week before Christmas and Rebekah is running around the compound like a lunatic. The blonde Original wants this Christmas to be perfect as seeing it's the triplets first and the whole family will be together also my brothers are coming up from Mystic Falls. The compound looked like Santa's grotto and it was cute but now it's getting creepy because when you turn a corner there will always be a plastic Santa Claus waiting to greet you. Like I said creepy.

' Are you alright love ?' Klaus asked, pulling me out of my thoughts of Santa. I smiled and nodded.

' Just watching you paint.'

Klaus put his paint brush down and got off his stool and made his way over to the bed. He got on and pulled me into his shirtless chest. I nuzzled my head and taking in his scent and he smelt amazing.

' You look very cute.' He whispered causing me to blush. I hid my face so he couldn't see. Klaus chuckled and put his lips to my ear and whispered.

'No need to hide a pretty face like yours.' I could feel him smirking and I smiled but I couldn't help think back to when I was dating Elijah. He would always say something. I shook the thought out of my head and kissed Klaus on the cheek.

' I love you.'

' I love you too.' Klaus said. I smiled.

We laid there for a couple of minutes but was disturbed by one of our three little monsters.

' Daddy.' Arabella cooed in his ear. I smiled as I watched her. Her tiny hands playing in Klaus's hair. Arabella looked a lot like Klaus. Her blonde hair and blue eyes and her little nose.

' Yes princess ?' Klaus asked in his sleepy voice which was totally sexy.

' Hug' Was all she said. Klaus patted a space between me and him and she happily crawled over him to get there. Arabella smiled and placed a kiss on top of my nose and on Klaus's. I wrapped one arm around her tiny body and Klaus wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer.

' Where are your brothers ?' I asked.

' With Elijah reading.' Klaus answered for Arabella. I nodded and kissed my princess's head.

' I love you mummy and daddy.' 

' We love you to princess.' I told her and she gave me a toothless grin.

' My two favourite girls.' Klaus said. I smiled and so did Arabella.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now