Bloody mess

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Alexandria P.O.V

I walked into my bedroom covered in blood, I tried not to wake Klaus but it a goal which is unrealistic due to him having sensitive hearing and he shot up when I stepped towards the bathroom.

'' Alexandria ??'' He questioned groggily as he turned the bed side lamp on.

'' Hey pumpkin.'' I answered in a innocent tone. His eyes widened in the state I was in.

'' What happened ??'' He asked as he sped over to me and pulled me into a hug.

'' It's nothing serious just me and Kol had a blood bag fight.'' I answered whispering the last part and trying to the hide my giggle. Klaus pulled away and raised his eyebrow at my choice of words.

'' A blood bag fight ?''

'' Yep, I'm a bloody mess.'' I said as I looked down at myself. He chuckled and kissed me on the lips. 

'' Let's get you cleaned up and into bed, big day tomorrow.'' Klaus said as he led me to the bathroom.

'' Ahh yes I get to meet my future mother in law.'' 

'' Then we get to kill her.'' Klaus said with a smirk as he turned the shower on.

'' Finally.'' I muttered.

'' Care to join me sweetheart ?'' Klaus questioned as he was fully naked and standing in the shower. I blushed and stripped and sped into his arms and washed the blood away.


I know it's short but big chapter coming.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now