The Ritual

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( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

Klaus P.O.V

' I understood you because I have monsters too.' She said with a small smile, we looked into each others eyes for a while, I kept looking at her lips and she kept looking at mine. It was getting very hard to resist her., Alex crashed her lips with mine, I responded immediately. I sped her to a tree, her back crashing against it, my tongue traced her lips asking for entry, she denied causing me to growl. My hands moved down to her breasts and I squeezed them causing her to gasp, I slipped my tongue in and we both fought for dominance, I won. Her hands made there way through my strawberry blonde hair causing me to growl again, we kissed for a while. I pulled away and pressed my  forehead against hers, I smiled, she giggled. 

We heard some call Alexandria's name, she groaned, I smirked. I kissed her again and sped off.

I arrived back at the apartment, I walked in to find my witch Greta signalling me that it's time. I smiled and said 

' Let's go and become a hybrid sweetheart' 

Time skip////// At Quarry. 

I look around the Quarry. I have my vampire. I have my wolf. I have the doppleganger. 

All three of them surrounded by a ring of fire. I smirked and sped towards the three girls.

' Let's begin shall we.'

Alexandria P.O.V

We were all stood in the witches house. Bonnie was looking for a way to stop Elena come back as a vampire. 

' Bonnie have you found something yet ?' Stefan asked, she shook her head,he sighed.

' Stefan she'll find something.' Little Gilbert said giving him a small smile.

I looked round the room, I haven't been here for a while. It used to be full of life but just like the Salvatore mansion it died when the witches died, I grimaced at the thought of my best friend dying and pushed it to the back of my mind. I heard some foot steps coming down the stairs, I turned my head to find Elijah coming through the door way, I mentally groaned. I still feel like crap for what I did. He gave me a smile, I gave him a smile back but he raised an eyebrow. Shit. He knows something is wrong, I needed to get out of here.

' Hey, Stefan I'm going to go find Damon.' I said, he nodded. I walked past Elijah and up the stairs that led to the front door. I sighed in relief as I walked out the house.

' Alexandria.' Elijah's voice called out. I was so close, so close.

' Elijah.' I said as I turned to face him.

' Is everything alright ?'

' Yes, everything is fine just worried about my brothers.' I told him but he didn't looked convinced.

' Your lying.' He said and look disappointed.

' No, I'm not.' I said and turned away from him and started to walk. He vamp sped in front of me stopping me, I sighed.

' Alexandria, I thought we told each other everything.' 

' Elijah we do. But there is nothing to tell.' I stated, The guilt was building up.

' Give me your word and I'll believe you.' I stared at him with wide eyes. He knows how much that means to me, Elijah saw how I hesitated and sighed.

' Elijah, I'm just not ready to tell.' I said,  I am digging myself an even bigger hole. He nodded.

' Alexandria, I'll be here. When your ready.' He told me and pulled me into a hug.  He pulled away and kissed me, I kissed him back but he pulled away immediately. He looked at me with a sad look, I furrowed my eyebrows then it hit me the bastard got into my mind.

' You kissed Klaus.' He said the sad look replaced with anger.

' Elijah, I'm sorry.' I stuttered, tears started brimming, he looked at me and walked towards the house.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now