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Alexandria P.O.V

The whole house shook due to my brothers idiotic rescue mission.  We walked into the middle of the corridor, before I could say anything I was taken from Elijah's side only to be put in front of Damon, relief came over me but also disappointment.

'For those who think they can beat me, you can't. I want the girls on the count of three or heads will roll' Elijah called out.

'1...' He counted.

Just then Elena appeared at the top of the stairs.

' Please don't hurt my friends they are just trying to protect me, no one has to get hurt.' She said as started to walk down the stairs.

'What game are you playing ?'

I didn't hear much after Elena threw a vervain grenade at Elijah.

Damon left my side seconds later to only pin Elijah to the wall with a coat rack through his heart.
Is it wrong that I felt bad ? Rose disappeared, good riddance. I looked over to see Elena in Stefan's arms.  Then I looked over to my older brother who seemed hurt that she didn't hug him. So being the best sister ever, I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.

' Thank you Day.' I said hugging him tighter.

' I will always protect you little one' He said as kissed me on the forehead. We pulled away and looked over at Elijah. 

''Well let's get back, a lot of people are worried.'' Stefan said pulling Elena out the house. Damon grabbed a hold of my hand and led me to the door. I didn't want to leave, it felt like something was keeping me here.

'Damon, I'm going to bury the body.' I told him so I could stay.

' Why ? it's a old house in the middle of no where'. 

' He deserves to be buried Damon'. 

' No Ria, he was going to take you away from me, from Stefan.' Damon said anger in his eyes.

'Damon no one is going to take me away from you two.' I said giving him a reassuring smile.

' Fine, but get home quick, I want to annoy Stefan.' He said pulling me into another hug.

' I wouldn't miss it for the world brother'. I said pulling away and watching him walk out the door. I heard the car leave the house grounds, I sighed and walked over to Elijah. I put my hands on the stake getting ready to pull it out.


I groaned as I fell on my butt. I threw the coat rack onto the ground and flipped Elijah onto his back. I studied his face, he really was handsome. After a few moments I started to notice his skin turning back to it's regular colour. My eyebrows furrowed.

' What the hell ?' 


I jumped back, Elijah looked down to see the stake removed. Then his eyes locked to mine. He looks pissed, but who wouldn't. He did just get staked in the heart, if it was me, I would be on a warpath.

' How are you alive ?' I asked curiously. He ignored me and stood up and brushed himself off.  Elijah winced every time he moved, I sighed and walked over to him.  

' What are you doing here ?' He asked in a raspy voice and it was sexy.

' I'm here because I thought you deserved to buried.' He looked in my eyes to see if I was lying, he nodded knowing I wasn't lying.

' Why ? I did try and take you and your friend away.' Elijah questioned and also winced.

' First thing Elena Gilbert is not my friend. Second thing you must of had your reasons. But I don't care, I wouldn't want to be left in a old crappy house, so why should you.' I stated.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now