Catch me

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Alexandria P.O.V

We are now officially moved into the compound. Marcel's army is now our army, well half of his army due to the other half being so loyal to the deceased king so we slaughtered them all. The witches are now aloud to do magic in the quarter which they are now grateful for but will still be under watch just in case they try something. The last thing on the agenda is the wolves which is going to be tricky as seeing as they hate vampires and witches especially hybrids.

' So how do we do this ?' I ask Klaus as he was painting,

' Do what sweetheart ?'

' The wolves, do you really think they are going to corporate.'

Klaus but his paint brush down and made he way over to me, his hands now on my waist making circles which is making my cheeks turn pink. Klaus smiled and I rolled my eyes.

' Sweetheart the wolves will corporate because I am the King and you my darling are my Queen.' He said and kissed my cheek and I smiled as his words made my heart flutter.

' I know but is that going to be enough, we don't need a war on our hands especially when your mother is suppose to be making an appearance.'

' Alex don't worry about it, we've got this. The pack is coming over for lunch and we are going to discuss and will accept the terms'. Klaus replied.

' And if they refuse ?' I ask. Klaus had a cheeky grin on his face.

'Then we slaughter.' I chuckled and pulled him into a kiss which he returned. I smiled against his lips as he bit my lower lip drawing a bit of blood. I pulled away and put our heads together.

' You taste delicious sweetheart.' He said smirking. I giggled and kissed his lips again. I was pulled out of it by giggling. I looked down to find our kids staring up at us with smiles on their faces. They seem to be growing faster which worries me but it's probably due to the supernatural abilities.

' My little wolves.' Klaus said as he knelt down to their height.

' Daddy.'Arabella squealed and jumped into his arms causing him to chuckle.

' Yes princess ?' He asked.

' Lucas and Nicholas are smelly.' She whispered in his ear. I giggled and looked over to the small boys who are now sniffing their arm pits. I knelt beside Klaus and whispered in Arabella's ear.

' All boy's smell.' Arabella shook her head at my comment and she let go of Klaus and then jumped in to my arms.

' Even Daddy mummy ?' The blonde little girl asked.

' Especially daddy.' I replied as I looked over to the hybrid with a smirk plastered on my face. He rolled his eyes which led to me giggling and Arabella joining in. Soon enough all three of them went to go find Elijah for a story.

' I smell ?' Klaus asked as he pulled me onto his lap. I giggled.

' Maybe.'

' You are going to pay for saying that to our princess sweetheart.' Klaus whispered in my ear causing me to shiver.

' Oh really ?' I asked he nodded. I smirked and got of his lap.

' Well if you want to punish me then you've got to catch me.' I told the Original and sped down the corridor. Leaving the man with a playful grin on his face.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now