Don't give up hope.

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Alexandria P.O.V

It's no been two months since Arabella's death and we still haven't found a solution to bring her back. I'm starting to lose hope but I couldn't tell Klaus that, I don't think he would ever forgive me. Nicholas and Lucas has lost their brightness, they miss their little sister and I can tell it's affecting them badly. They won't eat, they barely sleep, they don't do things normal children their age do. They boy sit quietly in front of crib and ignore the world around them like their in a trance. I just need my little girl back then everyone and everything will go back to being the same.

I go back to reading one of Esther's witch cookbooks after me dazing in space. I've read and reread this bloody book a thousand times, I'm trying to find something that isn't there. If there was something we would of found it already and what if she's found peace and then there is no way of bringing her back. What do we do then ?

'' Alexandria.'' Klaus called my name from the his office. I placed the book down and went into the room cluttered with books and old tapestries. 

'' Yes ?'' I questioned as I sat on the leather couch across from him.

'' I'm worried about you. You're not feeding.'' 

'' I'm fine. You should be worrying about Nicholas and Lucas.''' I said as I played with the ends with my hair trying to distract myself from crying.

'' I am worrying about them but that doesn't mean I can't worry about you too. The boy's are starting to eat again and are returning to their sleeping patterns but you Alex your in the bathroom every night crying and it breaks my heart because I can't seem to help you in the way you helped me.'' He said as he left his couch and came to mine, taking his hand in mine. I let my hair fall and turn to him.

'' I don't want you to see me breakdown Klaus. I don't want you to go back to that place you were in a month ago because If we both break down who do the boy's have they need both parents.''

'' Yes Alex both parents. They need their mother and I need you too.'' He said pulling me into him.

'' Don't give hope.'' He whispered in my ear. 

'' I'll try.'' I thought to my self.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now