New Orleans

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Alexandria P.O.V

I woke up in Klaus's arms. I smiled and looked up at him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

' You staring, it's creepy' I heard him say in a raspy voice.
' It's romantic' I replied. A smile appeared on his face. His blue eyes fluttered open.
' I love you' Klaus said.
' I love you too.'

After laying in bed for an hour just talking we finally managed to get dressed and make our way to the study that held all the Mikaelson siblings.

'Niklaus we have a problem' Elijah said as he looked towards us.
' What is it Elijah ?'
' Marcel is still alive' Elijah replied. After he said that name, I froze in fear. The name of the man who tortured me. 
' What, Mikael killed him when we fled New Orleans' Klaus hissed at his older brother. Please don't be the Marcel who tortured me.
' Well obviously not' Kol said with pure hatred on his face.
' What do we do ?' Rebekah asked as she looked at us.

' We are going to reclaim our city' Klaus said. I gulped and they all noticed.
' Alex, what's wrong ?' Klaus asked cocking his head to the side. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
' Marcel was the name of the man who tortured me and he was a king, the king of New Orleans' I whispered but I knew they all heard me. Klaus growled, I looked up to see anger in his eyes. I placed my hand on my bump and rubbed circles with my fingers, it always managed to calm me down.
' I'll kill him' Klaus growled. Kol, Elijah and Rebekah nodded in agreement.
' You better get in line because Damon has always wanted to rip the guys heart out. I said with a small chuckle. 
' Do you know where he lives ?' Rebekah asked. I nodded. 
' Last time I was there was 75 years ago. He was living in a compound in the French Quarter'.
' The Mikaelson compound' Kol stated. I remembered seeing an M carved into the stone.
' The M on the wall doesn't stand for Marcel it stands for Mikaelson' I said shocked at the revelation. They all nodded. 
' Well lets go reclaim your city then' I said and walked out and up to Klaus's room. I closed the door and fell onto the bed. I should of killed Marcel all them years ago. He is a slimy bastard who is so full of himself. He had this grin I just wanted to slap off. I have never hated someone so much and that's saying something.

'Alex ?' Klaus said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up and smiled at me.
' Alexandria are you sure you want to come with us to New Orleans ?'
' Klaus, I love you and would do anything for you and if that means me going back to the place I was tortured for months then so be it. But promise me that we will get the thrown and Marcel will be dead because I can't have our children in danger' I replied still looking at the blonde hybrid.
' Sweetheart I promise you and I won't let anything happen to our little wolves' He said with a smirk. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.
' We better pack' I said in between kisses. He smirked.
' Or we could pack later' Klaus replied and ripped my shirt. I giggled as he trailed kisses down my stomach. Then I felt it. The babies kicked. I looked up to see Klaus with shock and worry covering his face. I chuckled.
' Alexandria, what the hell was that love ?' He asked puzzled.
' The babies kicked, they must of responded when you kissed my stomach' His face went from worry to happiness. I heard stories about Klaus and how he was a brutal monster but in actual face he was just a big teddy bear. I felt his hands place themselves on my bare stomach. I felt a kick again and he smiled.
' I wonder which one is doing the kicking ?' I asked. Klaus chuckled at my statement.
' Me too love' The kicking stopped after a while and me and Klaus were just laid on the bed talking about our plans for New Orleans.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now