Return of a doppleganger

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 Alexandria P.O.V

After me and Klaus finally got  the triplets to sleep, we walked hand in hand into the office which held my family and his family as we try to come up with a plan to stop the witch bitch.

'' Why can't we use a white oak stake ??'' Cami a young bartender who befriended Kol asked.

'' Well blondie , the highly tempered Original hybrid over there burned them into ashes.'' Damon said as he pointed at Klaus who was pouring himself a drink, not bothered by Damon or his words.

'' Okay the daggers then ??'' Cami asked another question.

'' The daggers will not be used. Esther needs to be stopped completely not just temporarily.'' Elijah answered as he was looking through Emily Bennett's grimoire. 

'' What about magic ??'' Klaus spoke up as he sat in an arm chair.

'' What about it brother ??'' Rebekah questioned.

'' Use it against her.''

'' Klaus is right. Using her own technique against could work. We could get Bonnie and Emily to help.'' I told everyone. They all nodded liking the idea.

'' But we need more muscle. This city has a lot of witches who are devoted to Esther.'' Stefan said.

'' The wolves.'' Kol answered.

'' They've been manipulated into helping mother. They are set on killing us.'' Rebekah told him.

'' I can help with that.'' A familiar voice said. 

We all turned to find none other than the elusive Katherine Pierce.

'' Katerina.'' Elijah whispered.

'' You miss me ??'' The brunette beauty asked with a seductive smirk on her face.



 I've missed Katherine Pierce so much ! 

Favourite Petrova Doppleganger.

Do you think Elijah and Katherine should get together and get the happily ever after they deserve ?

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now