Meeting the family and Ripper is back

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Alexandria P.O.V

It's been two weeks. Two weeks of me and Klaus being together. I haven't exactly told my brothers yet because they may kill me when I do. Also Klaus has un -daggered his family but I haven't met them yet. I was sat in the kitchen when I over heard Elena and my brothers speaking.

'Damon, we need to find a way to stop Klaus' Stefan said which made me frown.
' Don't you think I know that Stefan'
' Well we have to find something quick because he is planning on making me his blood bag' Elena said. I smirked. Elena's blood is the only way Klaus's hybrids can complete the transition.
' Elena it's going to be fine, nothing is going to happen to you' Stefan told her. I mentally gagged.

I walked out the kitchen to find them all having a stare off with each other. I raised an eyebrow.

' What have I missed ?' I asked acting like I don't know anything.
' Nothing, just discussing dinner plans' Damon said.
' What dinner plans ?'
' We are inviting the Original family to dinner' He said and I mentally face palmed. Seriously.
' Why ?'
' Because we want to get to know our vampire neighbours Alex.' He replied and smirked.
' No you don't. Your just doing this to piss them off' I said and looked over to Stefan to back me up. But he shook his head.
' Alex, Damon's right' I scoffed and walked out the room. Idiots.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Klaus.

'' Hey, My brothers are inviting you and your family to dinner'

I waited for a reply

' May I ask why ?'

I sent him a text back saying

' They are trying to find a way to kill but they said. But they tried to cover it and said they wanted to get know the neighbours.'

' Well i think it's best we tell them about us. Because if I die you die to and I can't have that love.

I smiled at his reply and sent him

' Fine, see you tonight.'

I chucked my phone on to my bed and walked into my closet finding a suitable dress for tonight and it took a while but i eventually found one. It was short white laced dress and ended mid thigh. I put it on and also paired it with a white pair of heels. I straightened my hair and put it in a half up half down look. I applied my make up and looked in the mirror. It reminded me off the night I killed all those people. I shook my head and pushed the thought back. I walked out the room and downstairs and into the dinning room.

' Doesn't this look fancy ' I said to Stefan.
' Yeah well we haven't used this room in over a 100 years so why not'
' I remember when you threw a bread roll at me but it missed and hit Emily' I said and giggled. He chuckled.
' She was not happy.'
' That is an understatement, she set your napkin on fire.' I told him and my giggled turned into laughter. Stefan laughed along with me until Damon came.
' We all have to be on our best behaviour. Oh and I invited Bonnie and Elena' He said. I glared at him and so did Stefan.
' Damon we said we would leave Elena out of this' Stefan said.
' Yeah, but i think it would be fun' He replied and walked out the room. Idiot. I walked out the dinning and into the parlour waiting for our guests to arrive.

It was 8:00 and the guests should be here any minute. I was starting to get nervous. I was meeting his family. What if they don't like me. I was brought out of my thoughts due to the doorbell ringing. I was about to get it but Stefan and Damon got there first.

' Bonnie, Elena don't you two look ravishing' Damon said.
' Yeah, yeah let's just get this night over with' Elena said and walked past Damon, Bonnie followed in suit.

He shut the door and made his way over to me.

' Sister did i say how stunning you look tonight ' He asked, I raised an eyebrow.
' What do you want Damon ?'

' Why do you think I want something ?' He asked. The doorbell ran and Stefan went to go answer it.
' Well Damon your being a kiss ass.'
' No i'm not, can't i just give my sister a compliment' He said and smirked.
' You can, but you have another motive, what is it ?'
' That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot' Damon replied and I chuckled.
' Your a dumb ass' I said and i earned glare. Also chuckles. I looked behind Damon to see the Stefan and Klaus also his family.

' Klaus' Damon said as he pushed past me. I rolled my eyes.
' Damon, nice to see you again, these are my brothers Finn and Kol and you know Elijah and my little sister Rebekah.'
' Pleasure' He said and kissed Rebekah's hand.
' Kiss ass' I muttered which earned a chuckle from Bonnie and Elena.
' This is our little sister Alexandria' Stefan said as he pointed to me. I smiled and made my way over to them.
' Nice to meet you all' I said. They nodded.
' Well let's get this dinner started' Damon said and he pulled me into the dinning room. Everybody followed behind.

I was sat in the middle of the table while Damon and Stefan sat at the heads of the table. Klaus was sat next to me and Elena sat the other side. Bonnie across from me with Kol and Rebekah sat at either side and Finn sat next to Damon and Elijah next to Stefan. I felt Klaus's hand on my thigh and I smiled, I could also feel him smirking.

' Well isn't this lovely' Damon said and I looked at him if he was crazy. This dinner makes me want to gauge my own eyeballs out.

' Indeed' Elijah replied.

' Let's cut to the chase, what is it you really want ?' Kol asked.

' We want to get to know our neighbours' Stefan said.

' Bullshit' I muttered earning glares from my brothers. I smiled innocently and poured myself more wine. Elena held her glass out and I poured her some wine as well. We're gonna need it.

' Slow down, Doppleganger' Rebekah said. I chuckled and she smiled, Elena glared.

' So now tell us what it is really ?' Klaus asked my brothers.

' Well Klaus you have become a pain in the ass since you've arrived and we want you to leave' Damon said as he poured himself a glass of bourbon. I frowned.

' You see Damon, I can't do that I seem to have become very fond of this town and the people in it' Klaus replied.

' Yeah well that sucks for you' Stefan said, what is up with him, his mood has changed dramatically.

' Okay if i did leave, I'll be taking Alexandria with me' Klaus said and smirked at my brothers. Dammit.

' Alexandria what is he talking about ?' Damon asked me.

' Well me and Klaus are together.' I whispered but I knew they heard.

' Alexandria Rose Marie Salvatore tell me your lying' Stefan sneered at me.

' Nope' I said popping the 'p'

Stefan threw the butter knife at me and it landed in my shoulder. I looked at him shocked and so did Damon. Klaus looked like he was going to kill someone.

' What the hell Stefan ?' I growled as I pulled the knife out.
' Alexandria, you will not see Klaus anymore' He hissed at me. That escalated quickly.
' Stefan, you can't tell me what to do'
' Yes I can' He said.
' No you can't your not father.' I shouted at him which shut him up. I smirked that I won.

' Stefan, what the hell just happened ?' Damon asked our brother. He shrugged and started to chuckle. I raised an eyebrow.
' Great, he's become a psychopath' I muttered. Stefan stopped chuckling and said.
' Oh darling little sister your the one who is a psychopath, you killed all those innocent people because you were tortured. Pathetic.'
I glared at him.
' No wonder Emily makes your blood boil' He continued to say. I picked up the butter knife he threw at me and threw it at his head. It went straight through. Knocking him out instantly.
Everybody looked at me. Klaus looked impressed. Kol was having a laughing fit. Damon just looked pissed . Elena and Bonnie looked disgusted. And the rest of Mikaelson siblings looked at me with admiration.

Elena got up and made her way to Stefan pulling the knife out his head. I groaned.

' You could of left it in Elena' Damon said.
' Damon he is your brother.'
' He may be our brother Elena but he is acting like a dick.' Damon replied.
' Still that doesn't give Alex the right to hurt him'
' Oh please Elena, I have done much worse to him than that.' I said.
' You bitch.' She muttered. I smirked and sped towards her pushing her against the wall.
' Listen here dopplebitch, call me a bitch again and I will kill you' I hissed at her and dropped her to the floor.
' You wouldn't, Klaus needs me.' She said and smiled. I glared.
' Your right, but I could just ask him to drain you of all your blood and leave you to rot in a gutter.'
She gulped.
' Alex, why are you acting like this ?' Bonnie asked me.
' Bonnie i am pissed off my brother stabbed me, so excuse me for acting like a bitch'.
' No your only acting like this because of Klaus, He's compelled you to love him' She said.
I sped over to her and pushed her against the wall only to drop to the ground in pain.
' Emily, stop' I yelled. The pain kept coming.
' Emily.' Damon yelled out. The pain stopped and i stood up. Klaus sped to me, his face was filled with worry. I smiled.
' Bonnie he hasn't compelled me to love him, we're mates.' I said and everybody gasped besides Elijah.
' Does this mean I get a sister ?' Rebekah said and I nodded and she squealed and sped to me and pulled me into a hug.

' Rebekah can't breath' I said and she gave me 'I'm sorry' look. I smiled.

' So Damon you can't kill Klaus because if you kill him you kill me' I said and he just looked at me and left the room. I frowned and went after him.

' Damon' I called out.
' Damon, stop.'
He stopped and turned to me.
' Alexandria, why didn't you tell me ?'
' Because Damon, I was scared.' I told him. He frowned.
' Why were you scared ?'
' I was scared because I didn't want you to disown me.' He pulled me into a hug.
' Oh little one I would never do such a thing' He said as he pulled away and kissed me on the forehead.
' Damon, I think it's time for me to leave this town for a bit' I said. He nodded.
' I don't like the idea but I think it would do you some good.' He replied and he dragged me back into the dinning room.

' Well I guess the evening is over.' Damon said and everybody nodded. I said goodbye to everyone. And so did Damon.

' Now what ?' I asked.
' You get to bed, I'll deal with Ripper doushe ' Damon said pointing to Stefan. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek and sped to my room.

I fell onto the bed and sighed. Tonight was long. I heard a chuckle. I looked up to find Klaus.

' Hey'
' Hello love, we're you serious about leaving ?' He asked.
' Only if you left with me' I replied. He smiled and leaned into kiss me. His soft lips moved with mine. He pulled me onto his lap and trailed kisses down my neck. I moaned and I felt him smirk against my skin. I pushed him down onto the bed and ripped his shirt open. I planted small kisses along his chest causing him to growl. He flipped us over and his lips attacked mine. It was filled with passion and love. The sparks shot through my body, I loved the feeling. His tongue traced my lips asking for entry, I denied causing him to growl against my lips, his hands moved down to my bum and he grabbed it and I gasped he slipped his tongue in and fought for dominance he won as usual but i didn't mind.

That night we made love over and over again.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now