Let's vote ! Part 1

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Alexandria P.O.V

'We kill her' Kol said. It's been three days and we've been trying to find a way to punish the doppleganger.
' Death is to easy for the bitch' I sneered at the young original. He held his hands up in protest.
' Kill everybody she loves, so she is left alone' Klaus said. I nodded in approval.

' I like that one better than mine. It equals more death' Kol replied and smirked at his older brother.
' We are not killing everyone she loves' Stefan said, I raised an eyebrow.

' Why not, she put your niece and nephew in danger ?' Elijah asked. I would of thought he would be siding with Stefan but obviously not.
' No one has to die for her mistakes'
' Oh St Stefan coming to the rescue' Damon said as he walked into the room.
' Why don't we turn her and put her in the tomb like Katherine ?' Rebekah chimed in. I thought about it, dessication his better than death and she would be alone as Katherine some how got out the tomb. Sneaky bitch.
' I like that one' I said and raised my hand. Kol nodded and repeated my action.
' Let's go get us a doppleganger' Klaus said as he walked out the room with his brothers and mine following. Leaving me and Rebekah to talk about baby clothes.

Time skip..

' Let me go' Elena said as Kol pushed her into the parlour falling to the floor.
' Hello again Elena' I said from behind her. She turned, tears falling down her face.
' Alex... please' She stuttered. I shook my head. I looked up to Klaus. God he is hot when he is angry.
' Sweetheart, you put the woman I love and my children in danger so' Klaus said
' So doppleganger it's time for your punishment' Kol finished. Making it sound like a sex book.
' What ?' She said as she trembled.
' Dessication' Rebekah said as she sped over to her and pulled her up by her hair causing her to yelp.
' Stefan, Damon please help' Elena yelled as she looked towards my brothers with pleading eyes. Stefan left the room with saddened eyes and Damon walked over to his liquor with a smile.
' No can do Elena, you put my family in danger' He replied. She looked towards me and glared.
' You did this, you changed them' She hissed. I raised an eyebrow.
' No Elena, they are my brothers. If anything you changed them just because you look like Katherine but now your going to become Katherine' I replied. Rebekah bit her wrist and forced Elena to drink.
She tried to spit out but it didn't work. In the end she swallowed the blood.
' Night night Elena' I said and Rebekah snapped her neck. Her body falling to the floor with a thud.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now