There coming !

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Alexandria P.O.V

We have been in New Orleans for two weeks. Marcel the king doesn't know i'm here and I am trying to keep it that way for my sake and my children. Nik and his family want their kingdom back and will do anything to get even if that means befriending the douche bag of a king. I was sat in the library reading and caressing a hand over my stomach only to be disturbed by shouting.  I got up and walked out to find all Mikaelson's and a group of girls shouting. I raised an eyebrow and coughed, gaining everybody's attention.

' What's with all the shouting ?' I asked the group.
' Just pesky little witches thinking they can tell us what to do' Kol sneered as he looked at the girls. I nodded.
' And what is that they want you to do ?'
' To kill Marcel' Elijah replied.
' And that's bad because ?' I questioned. I thought they would want to kill Marcel for what he has done.
' We said we will kill Marcel for his crimes but they say we have to wait' Klaus said pointing to the witches who looked beyond scared.
'Why wait ? Why not get it over and done with ?' I said looking at everybody.
' Because we have a plan, a plan we need to stick to' A young girl spoke up.
'And if we don't stick to this plan, what happens ?' Rebekah asked. The young girls all looked at me then to my stomach. 
' If you don't we kill her and your babies.' Another girl said. Wait what.
' That's funny because I can't be killed' I stated with a pissed off look all over my face.
' Yes but we can but you in a box to dessicate and only we can wake you from, that's just like death but more painful and as for your babies, we can kill them with a poison they will be dead within minutes.@' A witch hissed at me. I looked over a Klaus who had the same expression, pissed, angry and scared for our unborn children.
' How dare you threaten my family' Klaus yelled at the young girls. Rebekah made her way over to me and pulled me into a side hug, being the protective sister and aunt.
' It's the only way you would help us' A girl said.
' How do you know that ? You could of asked us ?' Elijah stated as he walked over to the girls.
' Your Originals, you always want something in return' Kol scoffed at the girl statement even if half of it was true and we all know it.
' Maybe so, but Marcel dead solves all our problems' Elijah replied. And the rest of the Mikaelson family nodded.
' What ?' A blond girl stepped forward.
' Marcel took our kingdom from us and he hurt my mate for two months so him dead helps you regain your magic, we get our kingdom and the woman I love is safe and so are my children' Klaus said as he looked over to me. I smiled, after he said that my heart skipped a beat and he noticed his face went from caring to a smirk causing me to chuckle.
All the girls nodded and left the house not saying a word because they knew threatening the Original family was a bad Idea. The rest of us sighed. Klaus came over to me pulling me out of Rebekah and into him, kissing me on the forehead.
'Nobody is going to hurt you or our little wolves' He said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight, not wanting him to let go.

It's the day after the witches came to us and threatened our family, let's just say Klaus, Elijah and Kol were not happy and went on a slaughter. I smirked at the thought of all those witches being slaughtered they deserve it after what they did. I was sat in the garden looking out into the woods. I felt a presence next to me. I turned to find Kol with tea in his hands.

' Here' He said and handed it to me. I took it.
' Thanks'
' Don't worry about the witches, most of them are dead' Kol stated with a chuckle. 
' I'm not, I'm worried that Marcel will find me and take my children' I told him and sipped the tea.
' He wouldn't Klaus would kill him before he got to you and the little Mikaelson's' Kol replied which led me to giggle at the name. I heard a growl come from the woods and Kol heard it too.

' Alex get back in the house' He told me and I nodded and sped to the house only to be stopped half way by a furry dog.
' Kol' I called out and turned back to him, to find him surrounded by three wolves. He looked at me and had ' A oh shit look' on his face.
' Niklaus, Elijah, Rebekah even Finn get your backsides out here.' Kol yelled looking towards the house. All four Originals burst out the back door. Klaus's eyes landed on me and he sped over to me putting me behind me and him standing protectively in front of me.
' What is it that you want ?' Elijah said making his way down the steps. One of the wolves started to turn, his bones breaking making me grimace at the sound. The wolves was now fully turned and fully naked, I turned away to only find another wolf who is fully naked. 

'Bloody hell' I muttered, Klaus chuckled and pulled me beside him. My face buried into his chest.
' I am going to repeat what my older brother said ' What is it that you want ?' Kol asked as he walked over to the naked guy. The guy lifted his finger and pointed to my bump.
'Our luna is in that vampire's womb, she is also my mate' He said taking his finger away from my bump.  He has got to be kidding, Arabella is only a baby.
' And if this was true what makes you think I will allow you near my daughter ?' Klaus sneered at the pack.
' It's her destiny, she has to be with me.' The man replied. He looked over to me and said
' Klaus is your mate, what made you believe ?' I looked at him  and then up to the sky.
' Dammit' I walked into the middle of the garden, everybody looking at me curiously. 
I turned to them and let my face vamp out, I bit into my wrist and left my blood fall the the ground.
' EMILY BLOODY BENNETT, YOU GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW' I Yelled, the originals all chuckled, the wolves looked at me like I was crazy. The wind started to pick up turning for a gentle breeze to gale force winds. Then it stopped.
' Alexandria a lady shall not us that tone' Emily said. 
' Who say's she's a lady' Kol sniggered, I glared at him.
' Emily what's this of my daughter being a luna and a mate ?' I asked the Bennett witch. Emily sighed and made her way over to the wolf claiming to my daughters mate.
' The mark on his shoulder will be on your daughters. Arabella will be Princess of the wolves' Emily replied. My mouth formed an 'O'. I looked over to Klaus who had a proud look on his face probably because he is king and she will be princess.
' Ok and what about Lucas and Nicholas sweetheart ?' Klaus asked the witch.
' Lucas with be the Prince of witches and Nicholas will be prince of vampires were as you and Alexandria with be King and Queen of the supernatural community' Emily stated. Klaus had a smirk on his face after hearing all that and I did as well we will be the most powerful family on earth.
' Is that all ?' Emily asked. I nodded.
' Sorry about my tone Emily, I love you and you know it' I said making my over to her and pulling her into a hug.
' I know miss Alexandria, I love you too.' And with that she puffed into thin air. I turned back to the wolf.
' If my daughter is hurt by your hand, I will personally rip out your spine and feed it to your pack' I threatened he nodded and left his pack following behind. Klaus wrapped his arms around me.
' It'll be alright love' He said in a soft voice. I nodded and turned to face him and pecked in on the lips.
' I kno...' I stopped due to a sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed and fell to the floor.
' Alex, Alex what's happening ?' Klaus said in a frantic tone.
' There coming' I said clutching my stomach. He nodded an picked me up bridal style and sped me into the house. Today is going to be long.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now