What the HELL happened ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' Damon stop messing with your shirt and help me with Kol.'' I told my brother who was currently using the small mirror in the car to see if there was any blood on his shirt.

'' Alex this shirt cost $500.'' He answered as he was still trying to find something but there was clearly nothing there. I groaned but turned back to the Original who was currently passed out on my back seats. I pulled him out and dragged him out the car, his head smacked the concreted floor which made me wince but I quickly shrugged it off, my main priority is to get Kol to Klaus. 

'' Get Kol to Klaus.'' I muttered to myself as I dragged his body closer to the compound. Damon eventually got out the car and came over to help me as he saw my struggling.

'' He weighs a ton.'' I huffed out as we made it through the gates and into the main part of the house where Klaus and Elijah were currently standing, how convenient.  They turned to us a look of bewilderment graced their faces. I raised an eyebrow at them and signalled to them to give us a hand. They quickly got the idea and came to help, we made it up the stairs and into the study where we laid Kol onto the sofa.

'' What the hell happened ??'' Elijah asked as he looked over his little brother who was sweating uncontrollably due to the bite. 

'' The wolves happened.'' I answered. Klaus looked up and searched my body for any signs of injuries after a couple of scans he felt satisfied that I was safe and well, he turned back to his brother and bit his wrist and pressed it to Kol's mouth, his blood dripping into his mouth and he soon pulled away knowing that was enough to heal his brother.

'' Who did this ??'' Klaus asked as he pointed to Kol.

'' The Alpha but Alexandria took care of it.'' Damon answered as he poured himself some scotch.

'' How ?''

'' By getting even.'' Kol coughed out.  Elijah and Klaus both turned to me for an actually answer.

'' I killed one his wolves and threatened him. If they enter the Quarter I'll kill one his wolves and make a show of it. '' I answered and left the room, not wanting to hear their protests. I walked into mine and Klaus's bedroom and stripped and went into the bathroom for a shower to get rid of everything from today.

'' Alexandria sweetheart ? '' Klaus called from the bathroom door. I didn't bother to answer just watched the boy's blood fall onto the white tiles then circle the drain.  I felt arms wrap around my waist and spin me around so now I was facing Klaus bare chest which made my blush. He chuckled at my action and kissed my lips ever so gently as he knew I was tired and fragile at this moment in time.

'' Nice threatening today love.'' He said with a proud smirk. I giggled and kissed him again.

'' I got it from you.'' I answered as I pulled away. He smiled and began leaving trails of kisses down my neck and to my check causing me to groan in pleasure. I felt his smile turn into a smirk as he knew how to make happy. Klaus's lips left my neck and made their way back up to my lips.

'' I love you my Queen.'' He said in between kisses. My heart fluttered which he noticed and smiled against my lips.

'' I love you to my King.''

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now