Kat & Alex

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' Why are we meeting in a bar ??'' I asked Katherine as we sat patiently in a booth waiting for the witches leaders to make an appearance.

'' This was the only place in New Orleans which was neutral ground, so no dead witchy ancestors or vampire armies just a small group discussing the current problems.'' Katherine answered as she played with her straw.

'' I've never really liked witches besides Bonnie and Emily, all the others seem to piss me off.'' I said.

'' Maybe because you piss them off.'' Katherine said with a giggle, I faked a gasp and threw sugar packets at her. We were both giggling which turned into bursts of laughter, we were having a fun time until the witches decided to show up later then we discussed which ruined mine and Katherine's moments. I forced a smile and I could tell Katherine was doing the same. The witches sat across from us, the leader of the coven finally spoke after a few awkward moments.

'' Why are we here ??'' 

'' Esther.'' Katherine answered as looked at the witch, her brown eyes burning in to the witches green ones, the leader shifts uncomfortably in her seat, I smirked.

'' What about her ??'' 

'' The Original witch is only using your coven for power. Esther doesn't care about you and she wouldn't shed a tear if you all died, she would just find another coven to manipulate and use their ancestral magic.'' I told them, they glared at me and Katherine, not believing anything what comes out of our mouths especially mine.

''Esther wouldn't do such a thing.''

'' Yes she would. Esther doesn't care about anyone but herself and maybe her precious dead son Finn but that it. You and your coven will die, either by her hands or by ours if you don't decide to help.'' Katherine said with a threatening tone.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now