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Klaus P.O.V 

Bonnie's attacks against me were weakening, blood trickling from her nose.

' I can take you Klaus.' Bonnie sneered at me,I chuckled.

' Have at it love.'  I said, my bones started to break, I screamed in agony but chuckled thinking she could kill me.

I saw Alexandria sped towards Bonnie telling her to stop only to be thrown into a wall, I growled but they didn't notice. I felt some sort of connection with the youngest Salvatore. 
Alexandria got up and sped to the doors trying to open them but no luck. Bonnie was still hell bent on killing me and started to give me aneurysms, I growled at the little witch. 

Alexandria turned towards me and sped over to me and threw me at a wall. What the bloody hell ?

'Alex what are you doing ?' The little witch hissed.
' Trying to stop you from killing yourself also I don't need Emily to screw me over even more.' Alexandria replied, I smirked.  She flung the youngest Salvatore through a window. I growled and sped over to Bonnie.

' You little witch are a pain.' I told her as I back handed her, she fell to the floor and spat blood onto the floor, she screamed and stood up.
' Die !' She yelled. Papers were flying round the room, tables moving. The banging on the doors were getting louder, Bonnie hit me with all she got but it didn't work, she fell to the floor dead. I smiled and sped over to Alexandria she was covered in blood and glass. My smile fell, I picked her up bridal style and sped back to the apartment.

Alexandria P.O.V

Witches are a pain the ass I thought as I woke up. I looked around to find myself in someone's apartment, I furrowed my eyebrow. Where the hell am I ?

' Hello love.' A sexy British voice said, I looked up to find a man with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. God he was hot. 

' Erm hello.' I replied I saw still gawking at the British man, he noticed and smirked, I stood up from the couch only to be stopped by a electrifying pain shoot through my leg.

' Holy crap.' I muttered, I looked down to find a piece of glass sticking out. I grabbed it and ripped it out,I winced but did my best to cover it up.

' Must of missed that one love, my apologies.' The man said. I nodded.

' It's fine, may I ask your name ?'

' Niklaus Mikaelson.' He replied, now most peoples reactions would be scared but mine wasn't, I didn't feel scared of the original vampire, I felt somewhat safe which some should not be feeling in the presence of a psycho.

' Ah the other Original.' I said and smiled at the man who looked shocked that I didn't shrink in fear.

' Your not scared ? ' He questioned with a devilish smirk.

' No I'm not.'

' May I ask why? I have just killed your friend Bonnie and I plan on sacrificing Elena.' He asked with amusement.

' First thing, Bonnie isn't my friend.' I was about to say something more but he cut me off..

' But you tried to save her ?'  I nodded.
' Bonnie Bennett is part of a deal, I made a long time ago.' I told him and he nodded, I continued from my last statement and said

' Also Elena is not my friend, she's playing with my brothers, so I don't care if she dies or not. Second of all I don't see you as a monster like everybody else does,I see you as man who has monsters.' 

He stood there looking shocked that I probably didn't see him as a monster. He covered it up quickly and put on a emotionless mask.

' Very insightful.' I nodded at his reply and looked around the apartment.

' What happened to Ric ?' 

' Don't worry the history teacher his fine, I sent him to your brothers.' I smiled.

' Good, he is my drinking buddies boyfriend.' He chuckled.

' You know they are planning to kill you right ?' He nodded and walked over to me. 

' Why are you warning me ?' I sighed I didn't know why I was warning him, I felt like I had to protect him.

' I don't know, I feel like I need to protect you.' I said and turned away from his piercing gaze. His fingers touched my chin and moved my face towards his, he smiled. 

' Don't need to hide a beautiful face like yours love.' I blushed at what he said but I remembered Elijah. Dammit.

' Thank you, well Klaus I have to get back to my brothers.'

' Do you really think I'm going to let you go sweetheart ?' He asks with a smirk.

'  Well not really but I need to get back to my brothers before they do something stupid which could involve your ritual.'  Klaus looked into my eyes to see if my eyes tell lies. He nodded and opened the door.

' I hope we meet again Alexandria.' He said.

' Klaus we will be meeting again, I'll make sure of it.' I told him and sped out the door and back to the boarding house.

Klaus P.O.V

Alexandria Salvatore.

 A devil disguised as an Angel. I saw her kill all those people a couple of nights ago, I saw how she didn't show remorse. I saw her kiss my brother Elijah.

I growled at the last thought.

 I plan to make Alexandria mine. No one will stop me not even my own brother.

( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

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