First of many.

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' Are we nearly there ??'' Kol whined as he and Damon walked behind me with one of the Alpha's wolves was currently knocked out and hanging off Damon's shoulder.

'' Kol just a couple of more minutes.'' Damon answered as he shifted the body who kept banging his head on the trees we pass. We finally crossed the line into wolf territory and the atmosphere completed changed, It was dark and sad everything seemed dead and when ever new life began to flourish it would kill it in a heartbeat.

'' This is depressing.'' I muttered as we carried on walking until we got the pack house. All the wolves that I could see seem to be in a meeting, probably discussing which vampire they are going to end next and turn that death into a show for the whole of the French Quarter to see.

'' Let's get this over and done with, I hate being around flea bags.'' Damon said with a smirk on his face.

'' Your not the only one.'' Kol replied as we all walked out of our spot and into the place where the wolves were currently having their meeting. I stepped on a branch which cracked underneath my booth which gained their attention, every one of the wolves were looking in our direction with a look of hate and some of the wolves had a look of fear but they tried covering up and followed the actions of the older wolves.

'' This is wolf territory not vampires allowed.'' The Alpha spoke.

'' We have a gift.'' Kol said as Damon threw the young boy's body onto the ground making a ' thud'.

''  Ash.'' A young girl gasped a look of horror replaced the anger.

'' Why do you have one of ours ??'' The Alpha questioned his eyes focused on the boy who was starting to wake up from his nap.

'' Well you kill one of our's so we decided to kidnap one of yours...'' I answered only to have Damon finish the rest of my answer.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now