Part 2

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Alexandria P.O.V

We all arrived at Fell's church. Elena's body thrown over Damon's shoulder hitting her head on the walls as he walked down the steps that lead to the tomb.

' You got the blood bag ?' Damon asked me. I smirked.
' Oh brother, I have something better than a blood bag' As i said that, Kol came in with a girl following behind, blood running down her neck.
' This will eat her alive, the guilt would be to much' Kol said as he pushed the girl into the tomb. Damon smirked and dropped Elena's body in the tomb next to the girl.
' Do you have a witch ?' I asked Damon. He shook is head. I groaned.
'I got it covered sweetheart' Klaus said as he sped next me and kissing me on the cheek, making me blush.
' Who ?' Kol said.
'Me' A voice called out, I looked to see Bonnie Bennett with a grimoire in her hands.
' Bonnie, Elena is your friend are you sure about this ?' Damon asked the young Bennett witch.
' I am, Emily told me all the ways Alexandria protected the Bennett line and now i am doing something to protect her and her children' Bonnie replied. I smiled.
' Thank you Bonnie' Klaus said as he put his hand protectively over my bump. She nodded and made her way to the entrance of the tomb. We heard a gasp and a groan coming from inside.
'Bonnie hurry up' Damon said.
'Ok' She started chanting a few words, the wind was picking up starting from a breeze turning into gale forced winds. Then it stopped.
' It is done' Bonnie said. We heard footsteps coming to the entrance and we saw Elena. She tried to leave but couldn't due to the barrier getting in her way. I smirked.
'What the hell. Let me out ' She yelled.
' No can do love, this is your punishment your going to rot away in there' Klaus said a devilish smile appeared on his lips.
'I'll die' She hissed.
' No Elena your in transition and there is a lovely girl in there willing to make a donation' Damon said.
'Enough with this go get the stone door and shut it over the girl disgusts me' Kol said and glared at the doppleganger. We all nodded and Damon and Klaus picked up the slab and started to move it over the open tomb.
' NO,PLEASE YOU CAN'T DO THIS. DAMON PLEASE HELP ME' She screamed her fists banging on the barrier. We stood there silently watching her having a break down. Then there was a bang, which indicated the door was shut, her screams now muffled. We all left the tomb and went back to the boarding house. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now