He's here.

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Alexandria P.O.V

'Stefan give me back my phone' I yelled as I threw myself onto my brother who was currently looking through my phone.

' Alexandria, I am your big brother I shall look if I want to.' Stefan replied with a smirk on his face.

' I don't look through your phone' I whined still lying across him.

' No but you go through my journals'

'So does Damon.' I answered an pointed my finger at my other older brother who was playing with Arabella. Damon seems to have to have taken a shine to her just as she has to him.

'I am the oldest Salvatore that gives me the right to do anything.' Damon said with the famous Salvatore smirk. I glared at him.

' Not really' Me and Stefan said in unison. We looked at each other and grinned.

'Oh God.' Damon muttered and walked out the room. Arabella in his arms dribbling down his black shirt.


' Stefannnnnnnn' I was only greeted by silence.

'Alexandria what are you doing ?' Elijah said with a questioning look.

' Stefan won't give me back my phone.' I said looking Stefan straight in the eyes which is starting to make him uneasy.

' Any why did he take it in the first place ?' Elijah said with another questioning look on his face.

' Because he is an annoying bunny eater' I replied gaining a chuckle from Elijah and a glare from Stefan.

' Here's your phone, nothing interesting on it anyway' Stefan said and pushed me off him, I was greeted by the floor.

' Dick' I muttered into the marble flooring. Stefan chuckled and pulled me up and sat me next to him.

' Where's Klaus?' I questioned Elijah.

' He went to see Marcel about you' 

' Why ? Does he know I'm here ?' 

' We don't know Alexandria, we know he knows that your somewhere in New Orleans but probably not the location.' Elijah replied as he sat on the couch opposite me and Stefan.

Klaus P.O.V

' Why do  you want this girl so much its been over a hundred years can't you let it go ?' I asked Marcel.

' No can do. I need to set an example. My people need to know what happens when they cross me.' 

' And what if you made a mistake. What if this girl didn't cross you ?'

Marcel stopped outside the compound. The look on his face was unreadable but you could tell he was thinking about my question. He turned to me and said

' Why does this girl mean so much to you ?' 

' Because she is the mother of my children and the love of my life.' I wanted to say.

' She is a family friend, helped us with a lot.' I replied. He nodded.

' Well that's not going to cut it.' Marcel said and walked into the compound. I groaned and sped off.

Alexandria P.O.V

It's been a couple of hours since Klaus went to go see Marcel and I am extremely worried. The children have took notice of my mood and are know getting crabby themselves.

'Alex sit down, your going to were down the floor.' Damon said with a smirk. I glared at him but did what he said and sat down.

' He'll be fine Alex' Rebekah said and took a hold of my hand and gave it a gently squeeze. I smiled at her and my nerves were starting to settle a bit. I heard the front door close and I sped out of Rebekah's grip and into the lobby to find a angry Klaus.

' Klaus' I whispered as I took small steps up to him. He looked up, his eyes were filled with anger and worry. I finally made it over to him and was pulled into a hug. I nuzzled my head into his chest and took his smell in. 

' Where have you been ?' I asked.

' Marcel'

'All this time ?'

' No, I had to let off some steam, so I killed half of his army.' He said with a chuckle. I smiled and held him tighter not wanting him to let go.

' I missed you'

' I missed you to sweetheart.'

' So have the kids, especially Arabella' I said and pulled away so I could see his face.

' What can I say she loves her daddy.' Klaus replied. I giggled. His hands cupped my face and he gave a soft kiss. It felt like the world drifted away and it was only us too. But we were interrupted by the world. He groaned and un cupped his hands and turned to open the door only to be greeted by the man we did not want see.

' Ah Arabella I knew I would find you.'

' Marcel.' I said hatred in my voice. He's found us.'

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now