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Alexandria P.O.V

Who knew looking after three kids would be this exhausting. The triplets seem to wake up at random times during the night and if one wakes up they all wake up.

' Alex, go check on our little wolves' Klaus muttered as he rolled over taking the bed sheets with him.
' No, it's your turn' I told the hybrid and stole the covers leaving the cold to hit him. He groaned and got up and pulled me up to.

' Nik, I'm tired' I said in a sleepy voice causing him to chuckle.
' I know sweetheart, I am too. But our children are in distress' He replied and kissed my forehead then dragged me out our room and into the nursery currently holding our children. I smiled as I walked over to Arabella's crib, she was fast asleep, paying no attention to her brothers cries.

'Our princess seems to sleep through anything' Klaus said as he rocked Lucas back to sleep. I smiled.
' She sure does' I whispered as I made my way over to Nicholas and gave him his blanket and he went back into dream land very quickly. Klaus managed to Lucas back off to sleep and laid him in his crib ever so gently.

' Sweet dreams little wolves' Klaus whispered. His hand held in mine as we walked back to our room and launched back into bed. I sighed. Klaus's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

' I love you' 
' I love you too' He replied and kissed my temple. 

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now