All you can eat

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Alexandria P.O.V

' Kol we are suppose to be Christmas shopping not feeding on the locals.' I told the young Original as he dumped a body on to the icy ground.

' It's just a snack.'

' It was a snack 3 hours ago now it's a all you can eat.' I replied as we linked our arms and made our way out the alley.

' It's fine as long as Nik doesn't find out.'

' Which he will as he is the bloody King.'

' He won't be mad at you. Who could be mad at you your so adorable.' Kol said as he pinched my cheek. I scrunched my nose up and glared at him.

' Shut up.' I sneered. Kol chuckled and dragged me into a store.

' What to get my dear little sister ?' Kol questioned.

' A picture of Stefan.' I muttered but he heard and burst of laughing.

' Her infatuation with your brother. Crazy darling.'

' Not as crazy as your infatuation for a certain Bennett witch.' I said amusement in my voice. Kol glared but a blush appeared.

' I.. don't know what your talking about.' He stuttered.

' Really ? So the late night phone calls and the trips to Mystic Falls aren't for Bon Bon ?'

Kol was still glaring at me but dragged me out the shop and back to the compound. No more shopping today then.


Sorry it's short but wanted to involve Kol more.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now