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Alexandria P.O.V

I finally arrived in Mystic Falls, I made my way to the boarding house and  pulled up outside the house and sighed. I used to love this place but ever since our father killed us it never felt the same. This is the last place I want to be but I sucked it up and got out of my Jeep and made my way to the front door.

I was about to knock, but I decided to make a dramatic entrance as seeing my brothers loved making entrances and I wanted to see what the fuss what all about.
I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me, I sped down the hallway to find my brothers and a group of people sat around with weapons scattered everywhere. What are they planning ?

I stopped in the entrance and saw my older brother bending over to pick a bag up. I smirked and sped over to him jumping on his back.

' The favourite one is here.' I said with a giggle, jumping of Damon's back.

' I thought I was the favourite'. Damon said with the infamous Salvatore smirk.

' You thought wrong.' I told him raising an eyebrow earning a glare.

I looked around the room to find Stefan looking at us with amusement. I looked over to a girl who was sent next to him arching an eyebrow.

' So Doppleganger, I see you got my brothers wrapped around your finger.' I said as I walked over to one of the stakes.

'Excuse me ?' Doppleganger replied.

' Oh you heard me, if you hurt them or do a Katherine. I will not hesitate to kill you.' I told her as I pointed the stake towards her.

' I am not Katherine ! ' She hissed, I raised an eyebrow.

' Oh sweetheart just because your innocent now doesn't mean in the future you won't become the bitch.' I said with a smile only to earn glares from my brothers.

' Alexandria, Elena is not Katherine'. Stefan said to me as he took her hands in his. I scoffed.

' Well don't come to me when she breaks your hearts.' I told them. Damon being Damon decided to change the subject.

' Little sister, the reason we asked you here is because we are going to kill Katherine tonight.' Damon said as he walked to the alcohol.

'  Wait, your going to kill the bitch ?' I asked with a shocked expression.

' Yes we are, she deserves it.' Stefan said as he looked into the fire.

' You do realise she is 500 years old, it may end up with us dead.' I told them as I sat on the couch opposite Stefan and his Katherine look a like.

' We have a plan.' Damon said, I raised an eyebrow. He told me the plan and I nodded, it was a good plan and I do want the bitch dead.

' I'm in.' I said with a smile on my face.

' Good girl, now go get a dress. We are doing it at the Masquerade party at the Lockwoods.' Damon said and tossed my his credit card. I smirked and sped out the door and to the nearest mall.

 I smirked and sped out the door and to the nearest mall

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( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

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