He knows

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Klaus P.O.V

I was sat in Rousseau's drinking the bar dry with my prodigy Marcel. I rather be at home with my wonderful girlfriend and my little wolves but I need to make sure this place is safe and get my kingdom back also keeping my promise to Alexandria.

'' Klaus, I love you and would do anything for you and if that means me going back to the place I was tortured for months then so be it. But promise me that we will get the thrown and Marcel will be dead because I can't have our children in danger' Alex said still looking at me with her big brown eyes.

' Sweetheart I promise you and I won't let anything happen to our little wolves' I said with a smirk. She smiled and kissed me on the lips.

Flashback ended.

I sighed and brought my glass to my lips. I'm still going to keep that promise.

'What's got you down my man ?' Marcel asked me as he patted me on the back.
' Just my thoughts'
'And what are these thoughts ?' Marcel questioned me raising an eyebrow.
' Just planning a friends demise.' I quickly replied and which he nodded. I smirked as I saw fear radiating off him.

Alexandria P.O.V

I had Arabella in my arms making funny noises at her which cause her to look at me like i'm an idiot which i probably am.

' Where the other to troublemakers ?' Kol asked as he walked into the room and taking Arabella off me. I smiled as he treated her a like a princess.

' Nicholas is with Elijah and Lucas is currently having a story told to him by Rebekah' I replied and laid myself out on the couch. Kol chuckled at my actions.

' Ahh, I see and what about this little princess ?'

' Well mamma was making funny noises but it led to Arabella looking at her like an idiot so we gave up' I told the original and grinned.

' That's boring, Uncle Kol is way more fun than your mother ain't that right Bella ? Kol asked the two week old trybrid. I smiled at his nickname for her. He really does love her, probably more than anything.

' We'll see about that. Is it alright if I close my eyes for a second' I asked. Kol nodded. I smiled in relief as I waited for the darkness to take over which didn't take to long.

Klaus P.O.V

My phone buzzed in pocket. A text from Kol. What does my little brother want now ? I thought. I opened the message to find a picture of a sleeping Alexandria with my Arabella climbing on top of her. I smiled but was disrupted.

' Whose the girl ?' Marcel asked as he ordered another drink.

' None of your concern' I answered and took as swig of my beer.

' Well it is my concern if she is in my town with a kid especially. So whose the father ?'

' Marcel I assure you that this girl and her child are not in town and I don't know who the father is' I told the young vampire. I hated when I said those words. Their mine and always will be mine.

' I see, well that girl look awfully familiar' Marcel said. I raised an eyebrow and turned to him. If he finds out Alexandria is here and hurts her, i'll kill him.

' And who is that ?' I questioned.

' A girl by the name Alexandria Salvatore, I captured her and tortured her for many months' Marcel replied with a shrug not caring at all. I mentally growled. My poor Alex was left with this scumbag.

' Why was that ?'

' The bitch crossed me' Was all he said. I managed to stop myself from ripping his heart out there and then. I nodded and went back to my drink. I miss Alex and my children.

' Marcel as lovely as this is, I need to get home. Can't have Kol destroying the place' I told him and got up from the stool.

' Yes we can't can we and where do you live Klaus ?'

' Marcel I would tell you but I don't want too' I replied and sped out the bar and towards home.

Alexandria P.O.V

I woke up to soft cries. I rubbed my eyes and came face to face with Lucas.

' Aww Luc whats wrong ?' I asked as I took him from Rebekah and cradled him in my arms singing a soft melody which got him off to sleep.

' That was beautiful, where did you learn it ?' Rebekah asked with a smile on her face.

' Stefan used to sing it to me when i was little, he said our mother sang it to us so we had a peaceful night sleep and no nightmares' I told the blond with a chuckle.

' When will Stefan get here ??'

' In a couple of days. Why ?' I questioned raising an eyebrow. She totally has a thing for my brother.
' No reason' She muttered with a blush and walked out the room. I smiled and looked down to the little guy in my arms, the Prince of witches. I heard the front door slam shut and thankfully it did not disturb the babies and Kol. I laid Lucas down in the basket next to me and walked out the study to find Klaus standing in the hall looking pissed.

' Klaus, what's wrong ?'

' Marcel knows' He said. I looked at him puzzled and then it clicked. SHIT.

' Oh crap' Was all I kept saying to my self as I paced the hall. The other Mikaelson's came out and raised an eyebrow at my actions.

' What is she doing Niklaus ?' Elijah asked his younger brother.

' Alexandria is trying not to have a mental breakdown brother' Nik said and went to go pour himself a drink but stopped when he spotted Lucas in his basket fast a sleep, he smiled and walked over to him and looked down at the child with a love. I stopped pacing as I saw Klaus and Lucas and I felt better. I walked up to them both and rested my head on Klaus's shoulder.

' What do we do ?' I asked and looked down at the sleeping baby.
' Kill him' I nodded
' Niklaus what about the witches ?' Elijah said entering the room.
' Screw the witches, if Marcel is gone then it solves all our problems.' Kol answering for his brother but I don't think Klaus heard as he was still look at Lucas, I smiled at him. He is a great father.

' Yes and we take back what's rightfully ours' Rebekah chimed in. Everybody nodded.
' What about Alex ?' Klaus said as he pulled me closer to him.
' Mystic Falls with the kids' Elijah replied. I shook my head.
' What's going to stop him from coming to Mystic Falls ? It's better if I just stay here'
' Your brothers are going to stop him' Kol said with a ' Duh' look. I glared.
' Well there coming here in a couple of days which means extra help' I replied still glaring at Kol. Klaus sighed.

' Fine Alex will stay here but will not leave the house and that goes for the kids' He said and made his out the room and up the stairs.

' He's upset' Rebekah said and looked over to me. I nodded and asked her to watch Lucas and she quickly said yes, I chuckled and followed Klaus's path and found him in our room sat on the edge of the bed.

' Klaus' I said and made my way over to him, I crouched in front of him and cupped his face in my hands, his blue eyes were shiny due to the tears that wanted to spill.
' I won't let him hurt you Alex nor our kids' He said, I smiled.
' I know'
' Then why don't you go, I need to know your safe especially our children. I don't know what I'd do with out you sweetheart' Klaus yelled but whispered the last part. I pulled him into a passionate kiss and pulled away leaving him breathless.
' I'm staying because with you I feel whole and with you I feel protected Klaus. Also you'll never have to know.' I said as I wiped the stray tear falling from his eye. He smiled and pulled me onto his lap. I nestled my head onto his shoulder.

' I'll kill him' Klaus said.

' I know and I'll be there with a front row seat' I told him causing him to chuckle.
' I wouldn't have it any other way sweetheart' Klaus replied. I smiled and pecked him on the lips.
' I love you Niklaus'
' I love you Alexandria'

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now