Chapter 2

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"Cameron!!!" I say on the verge of tears
"Hailey?! What's the matter?!!" He asks still sounding tired
"Mom. Dad. Car crash. Help." I say trying to catch my breathe
"Hailey it's gonna be okay. Listen breathe for me okay just breathe" he says
"I can't. I can't. I can't!!!" I say and tears are starting to fall
"Shhhhh. Sweetie please don't cry." He says sounding very worried
"Please I need you here. Cammy please I can't do this no more!" I say
"I can't right now hails" he says
"Please cam please. I need someone. I feel like someone is trying to see how far my limit is and I'm almost there. Please." I cry
"Hailey. I will try. You just need to sleep." He says
"I can't sleep and I can't go to school tomorrow" I say
"Hailey you have to go to school tomorrow." He says
"Whatever" I say
"I love you" he says
"I love you too." I say
"I'm gonna go back to sleep, okay" he says
"Okay. Please come home. Please" I say and end the call.
I end up falling asleep. I wake up to my alarm going off. I turn it off and get up. I take in what happened last night. It's 5:10am, ugh way to early to get up, I think to myself. I change into my khaki school shorts and my navy blue school shirt. I do my makeup and just leave my hair natural, which is a little wavy. People say Cameron and I look alike, I mean our hair is brown and so is our eyes and that's all I see that's the same. I put on my maroon vans. People say I have too many vans, I have like 20 pairs, but how can you have too many?! Vans is an sponsor of mine and I just love that brand. Hey have I ever mentioned that I am signed by Hollywood, records same as Shawn, since like 5 months ago??
I grab my grey jansport book sack and my phone. It's 6:25 and I go downstairs and grab my key to the house and go down to the bus stop and join tre', Lauren and Dylan there.
"Hey my peoples!" I say and hug them
"Heyy!" They say
When the bus comes I go towards the back and sit down by the window. Tre' sits next to me.
"I forgot my sweatshirt!" I say
"Here wear mine today." He says and hands me his white live oak high sweatshirt.
"Thanks best friend" I say and put it on
I put my head on his shoulder and he plays on his phone. My phone vibrates and it's a text from Cameron:
"Hopefully your up and on your way to school"
"On the bus"
"Good. Love you and have a good day at school... Call me if you need anything. Loves you so much😘"
"Love ya too😘"

*at school*

We have a block schedule at school so I have odd classes today. It's 5th hour right now and we already went over what we needed to in biology. So we have an hour to do what ever. Emily sits next to me and on my right side is our teacher coach duhe and mason is behind me.
I am on my phone and looking through Twitter when I see these tweets:
@myhayes: "why is @hayesgrier still dating @haileydallas she is so ugly"
@nashtyyyy: "@haileydallas is so pathetic and a loser. Always crying over her parents. Get over it"

People are being so mean right now and I don't understand. I can't take them being so mean right now. When Cameron got famous and I started getting famous he sat me down and told me that along this journey I will get fans, some good and some bad. A lot of them guiding me through bad times and some trying to ruin me. I've ignored them for the longest me but right now my mental status is so low it's all getting to me.

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