Chapter 37

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I'm confused Hailey. Start from the beginning" I say
"So I got into the accident and I think I hit my head to hard or something because I was sent back home and Mom and dad were still alive. It was like instead of them dying in the crash they lived. We broke up and they continued to beat me. I tried calling and calling cameron but he wouldn't answer."
She says
"It was just a dream baby" I say
"No it was not! No one is going to ever believe me! It freaking happened. It was too real to not of happened!" She says getting mad
"I believe you hailey, I believe you" I say
"No you don't" she says standing up
"Where are you going?" I ask grabbing onto her arm so she'll turn around
"For a walk" she says and walks out of my room
"No Hailey come back please" I say
"What?" She asks clearly frustrated
"I believe you. Let's just go to bed, okay." I say
"Don't lie to me Hayes. Call me an idiot call me the things you're thinking. Just please don't lie to me, it makes everything worse" she says and starts to walk downstairs
"Can someone stop hailey from going for a walk!" I say while walking into Cameron's room

*hailey pov*

I wish I never would have gotten my memory back. I blew up on cameron and Hayes doesn't believe me. I can't believe I blew up on cam like that, he probably hates me I just want to go for a walk and clear my thoughts. Hayes wants me to stay but I really can't. I need air and space.
"Hailey!" Nash says as I'm halfway down the stairs
I stop and turn around.
"What?" I ask
"Please don't go for a walk this late. It's dark and I don't want you to get hurt hails. Let's go to bed" Nash says ever so calmly
"Ugh fine" I say frustrated
All I want to do is cry. Cameron hates me and Hayes doesn't believe me. Frankly I wouldn't believe me either.
I go back upstairs and go to my room and close the door. I need something to ease my minds and since they won't let me go for a walk then they leave me no choice.
I grab the bottle of whiskey that I strategically hid in my closet so that cameron would never find it. If he ever saw me drinking he'd probably kill me right then and there.
I sit down in the closet and just drink my sorrows away, or at least try to. My memory all comes back.
"Hailey?" I hear
Uh oh.
I quickly try to hide the bottle but I suck at doing stuff when I'm under pressure.
"Why are you in your closet?" Nash asks
"I uh I um" I say trying to think of something
"Hailey Paige!" He says
"Ew, please don't call me that" I say as he takes the bottle I hid oh so horribly bad
"What is this?" He asks
"I don't know" I say playing dumb
"You don't know" he says definitely not buying it
"I haven't seen it ever" I say
"Get up hailey and let's go" he says not playing games
He's probably ticked I just lied to him and it's like almost 3 in the morning
"Where are we going?" I ask following him
Then I realize that we are heading straight for Cameron's room.
"Nash please don't" I say stepping in front of him so I block his path
"I'm sorry hailey but you give me no choice. You're not supposed to be drinking while your on all the pain medicine they gave you and you're not supposed to be drinking period." He says
"Great. Cameron already Hayes me and now thanks to you he's gonna hate me more. Thanks a lot Nash!" I say walking back to my room
"Freeze" Nash says
"What?" I ask turning around
"Cameron doesn't hate you" he says
"I just blew up on him. I'd hate me if I did that" I say
"He definitely doesn't hate you. He thinks you hate him but we all know that that's not true" he says "let's go"
He walks into Cameron's room and I follow at a distance.
"What is that?" Cameron asks as Nash hands him the bottle
"Ask your sister" Nash says and I can see the fire grow in Cameron's eyes
Uh oh. I'm in trouble.
"Nash can you please leave me and my sister alone for a moment or two" cameron says way to calmly
"Sure" Nash says and whispers something in his ear
"I won't" Cameron says

*cameron pov*

I'm sitting on my bed not even tired anymore. I can't stop thinking about what all hailey said to me. Maybe I am a bad brother. I hear someone walk in so I look up and see Nash carrying a bottle of alcohol.
"What is that?" I ask as Nash hands me the bottle
I'm hoping it's not Hailey's. It better not be Hailey's or she will never see the light of day ever
"Ask your sister" he says and I can feel myself getting more and more angrier.
"Nash can you please leave me and my sister alone for a moment or two." I ask
"Sure" Nash says as he leans down to whisper something in my ear
"Don't kill her. Talk to her. As needs you right now." He says
"I will" I say

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