Chapter 47

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*the next day*

"Hailey" I hear
I open my eyes and see cameron standing next to me and Brittani standing by the little table in the room.
"Hi" I say putting my head back down on my slightly uncomfortable pillow.
"Um where's your baby?" Cameron asks
I sit for a moment. Where is my baby? I have a baby? Oh wait duh, I'm a mommy how could I forget.
"The nurse offered to keep him in the nursery" I say
"When do you get him back?" He asks
I can tell he just wants to see Colton. He loves Colton so much and it makes me happy knowing that he's going to be an excellent uncle along with all the other guys.
"Whenever I guess." I say pressing the small white remote type thing laying next to me
A nurse comes in seconds later.
"Yes miss Dallas?" She asks
Miss Dallas. I'm not old.
"Can I get my baby back from the nursery?" I ask tiredly
"Sure thing" she says and leaves and cameron follows her
"He couldn't be more in love than he already is in with Colton hails" Brittani says bringing me a cup of coffee.
"You're a life savior babe" I say and sit up
"I know I know" she says
"Good thing I went ahead and finished my online school for the year." I say
"Don't rub it in" Brittani says
Brittani has to go to public school still and she hates it.
"Sorry Charlie." I say taking a sip of my coffee
"Hayes is out" she says and I look at Hayes sleeping peacefully next to me
"He's going to need all the sleep he can get when we bring colt home" I say
"True. All the fans are asking if y'all are going to give Colton his own Instagram page for updates." She says
"I think Hayes may actually set one up. If we get one so the fans can see colt that gives me an excuse to get cute pictures of him." I say
"I'll be his first follower" she says
"Aunt goals" I say jokingly and she winks at me
The door opens and cameron comes in and pulls the curtain aside as the nurse pushes Colton in. I smile when she puts him next to me. He's so small, so cute, so precious. I'm in love.
The nurse picks him up and puts him in my arms.
"Here you go Mom" she says as she lays sleeping Colton in my arms.
"Thank you" I say and she leaves.
"I talked to the front desk and they said you can leave at noon" Cameron says
"Okay good. I'm ready to bring this baby home" I say
"Elizabeth and sky land at 1 so they will probably get to the house right after us." Cameron says
"Shawn is landing at like 6" I say
"So it will give plenty of time for Elizabeth and sky to meet colt before Shawn gets here" he says
"Okay" I say
I feel Hayes move next to me and I look over at him.
"Well good morning" I say to him and he smiles
He sits up and runs his hands through his messy bed hair.
"Let me see little Hayes" he says and I pass Colton over to him
Hayes taps his nose and he starts laughing so I get a video of it and put it on Snapchat.
"I edited the vlog from yesterday for you" Cameron says
"Really?" I asked surprised
"Really. You have more important things to worry about" he says
"Thanks cam" I say


I finally get to change out of this stupid hospital gown. I put on maroon joggers and one of Hayes long sleeved shirts.
"Hey babe?" Hayes asks as I come out the bathroom
"Yeah" I say
"Do you have a set outfit for him to wear?" He asks
"Yeah. The deer outfit" I say
I go to my maroon baby bag and pull out a grey onesie type thing that says "oh deer I'm here" with a blue deer on it and the grey jogger type pants with blue deer on it.
I hand them over to Hayes and he puts it on him. I grab the grey hat and his grey vans.
"Look how cute Brit" I say holding up the shoes
"Oh my goodness" she says
"They are so small and so cute." I say
"Who got you those?" She asks holding them
"Connor" I say
"I wish I was friends with a bunch of youtubers" she says
"You've got me and that's all you need" I say and go over to Colton
I put on his hat and his little bitty vans.
"Colton already has 200 thousand followers" Hayes says
"You set up his Instagram?" I ask
"Yeah earlier this morning. He's gaining followers fast" he says
"He's only a day old and has more followers than me" Brittani says and I laugh
"Ready?" Cameron asks coming in the room
"Can we leave?" I ask
"Yep" he says as a nurse comes in with a wheel chair
I pick up Colton and sit in the wheelchair.

*at the house*

When we get home I grab the baby bag and Hayes grabs the car seat. I open the door and jaxx and blue run to me. Blue is my pit bull puppy, he's about four months old.
"Hi puppies" I say and pet them
We let them softly smell Colton and they lick him once and then realize they have to leave him alone.
Colton starts crying so I pick him up.
"I'll go fix his bottle" Hayes says
"Thanks babe" I say and try to calm him down
When Hayes comes back I feed Colton. Right as Colton gets halfway through with his bottle I hear a knock at the door.

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