Chapter 9

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*hailey pov*

I wake up and I see the clouds. I have a mini freak attack till I realize I'm on a plane. I look next to me and Cameron is there and also Nash. I see Cameron's phone and grab it. I put in the passcode and go on his Instagram. I take a picture of him sleeping. I put it on his Instagram saying:
"Look at cammy!!! Love hacking my big brother! New York here we come!"

I put his phone back. It's only 3am. The plane lights are off except for a few peoples who have there overhead lights on. I feel sick. I feel like I'm getting worse. I unbuckle and get up. I manage to pass Nash and Cameron without waking them up. I go to the bathroom and throw up everything I ate last night. I go out the bathroom and dig through one of our carryons and find some tic tacs and eat a lot of those.
"Miss would you like anything?" A lady asks
"Umm can I have some medicine?" I ask
"I need adult permission first" she says
"Oh. Never mind" I say
Jack and jack are sitting right behind the row were sitting at. The aisle seat of these is open. I sit in there open seat so I don't risk the chance of waking them up.
"Hey hay" jack says
"Hey jack" I say
"What's wrong?" He asks
"Nothing" I say
My head feels like it's gonna explode! It hurts so bad along with everything else!!
"Don't lie to me" he says
"I'm not lying" I say
"Mmhmm" he says
"I'm not!" I say
"Hailey. I've pretty much watched you grow up. I can tell when something is wrong" he says
"Ugh! Nothing is wrong!" I whisper/yell
"Whatever" he says and puts his arm around me.
I rest my head on his shoulder and fall into a deep sleep.
September 27

I slept all day yesterday and it's 9pm and I want to be sleeping now but the guys are coming over. Shawn, Hayes, Taylor and Matt.
I am excited to see hayes. I haven't seen him in what feels like forever. I slowly get up and do my hair and makeup. I change into black skinny jeans and a Taylor caniff sweatshirt.
"Hailey!!" Nash yells
"I'm coming!" I yell
I grab my phone and go into the hallway of the hotel and meet up with the guys. We go into the elevator and put my head on Nash's shoulder. When we get in the car I get a notification from Instagram. Cameron took a picture of all of us in the elevator:
"Aren't we all cute?!"

I like the picture and comment:
"Everyone except you! #gotcha"

When we get to the airport we all go in. Fans are coming up to us. I prolly took 50 pictures. The guys all rode here in the same plane.
"Hayes just texted me saying there heading our way" Nash says
I am so excited to see Hayes!
We wait a few more minutes and we can see them coming down the escalator. Hayes is scanning the crowd and he stops on me and smiles. I watch him come down and over. I run over to him and he catches me and spins me around. I give him a kiss.
"I missed you so much babe" he says
"I missed you too!" I say
"I never wanna leave for that long again" he says
"I love you" I say
"I love you more" he says
"Okay love birds lets go" Cameron says
I give the other guys hugs and go over to Hayes and he grabs my hand. Oh how I missed this. We get into the car and Hayes and I sit in the very back by ourselves. Shawn and Nash in next row. Cameron in passenger seat and Chad driving. Jack, jack, Taylor, and Matt are in another car. While we are still parked and Hayes takes a selfie with me and puts it on Instagram saying:

"I never thought you could love someone so much but I am wrong!!! @haileydallas

I took a few and put the one where we are making silly faces at the camera and said:

"When you love someone so much that you don't know what to do without them. Hayesly is reunited guys!!!!"

Should I do longer chapters🤔

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