Chapter 38

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Nash starts walking out and he gives hailey the "good luck" look. I'm so mad at hailey. I told her not to drink ever again since the last time I caught her. She freaking promised me, she freaking promised. Nash leaves and hailey looks at me like she's ticked off.
"Sit" I say sternly
"Can we just forget about this, I'm tired" she says trying to get out the situation because she knows she's in trouble
"I said sit" I say and she sits on the edge of my bed
I go to my desk and grab a chair and set it a little in front of her.
"We are gonna talk" I say sitting down
"I don't want to talk about anything" she says
"I'm not messing around this time hailey, we are going to talk" I say
"About what?" She asks
"Is your memory all back?" I ask
"Most of it yes" she says
"Do you not remember what I said when I caught you drinking last time?" I ask
"Yes, you told me to not do it again" she says
"And you did it again" I say
"I'm sorry" she says obviously lying
"Don't lie to me" I say
"You don't know me and why I do what I do" she says
"Welp I'm bout to" I say
"Cam please stop" she says
"Why do you think it's okay to drink?" I ask
"I don't think it's okay" she says
"But yet you do it anyways" I say
"Basically" she says
"Why?" I ask
"I'm stressed out!" She says/yells
"And I'm not?! I have to worry about you and I have to stress about my work!" I say
"Well stop worrying about me. You didn't want to worry about me before" she says getting up and trying to walk out
I grab her arm.
"Cameron stop" she says
"I worried about you I really did!" I say

*hailey pov*

"I worried about you I really did!" Cameron says
That's the biggest load of baloney I've ever heard
"Whatever" I say
"I did hailey! I really did!" He says getting frustrated
"Then why didn't you call me or text me?!" I say
"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me" he says
"I called you a million of times trying to get you to help me" I say starting to cry
"I'm sorry hailey. I blame myself everyday for what has happened to you!" He says
I just hug him and bawl my eyes out and he does the same.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said!" I cry
"Shhhhhh. It's okay hails" he says and we end up falling asleep.
Wen I wake up cameron is gone. I go into my room and look at my phone and it's 12. Ugh. I'm so tired. I go and take a shower and change into black nike joggers and a long sleeved maroon Nike shirt. I grab my phone and go downstairs. I see Cameron sitting on the counter and he looks at me so I smile at him. He gets off the counter and comes to me.
"Can we talk for a sec?" He asks
"Sure" I say and he takes me to the corner of the living room
"So you know how Nash caught you drinking last night and you know that you're not supposed to do that" he says
"Yeah" I say
"I have to ground you hailey. Just for a few days. I can't just let you slide without any discipline" he says
"Cameron, I'll be good" I say
"You can tweet and post on Instagram saying that you're grounded for a week. I'll allow you to continue making vlogs and YouTube videos but that's it" he says
"I promise I won't drink again" I say lying
"Phone" he says
I go on twitter and tweet:
"My idiot brother is taking my phone away for a week. Blame him"

I then go on Instagram and post a picture of Hayes and I saying:
"Grounded for a week. Be looking out for YouTube videos and make sure to subscribe and turn on my notifications!"

"Are you done yet?" He asks as I text my friends in the group chat
"Here!" I say and hand it to him
"Thank you" he says
"You freaking suck. Put a shirt on you fat freak. You look like a douchebag!" I say going up the stairs
I hear Nash and hayes chuckle and I look back to see Cameron glaring them down.
"Two weeks hailey!" He says
"What?!" I say stopping
"You heard me!" He says
"You've got to be kidding me!" I say going to him
"Does it look like I'm kidding?" he ask
"Yes" I say
"Two weeks hailey" I say trying to be dramatic
I go and sit on the couch. I'm actually really nice but cameron sometimes gets on my nerves and I love love love pushing his buttons.
"Hayes" I say
"Yo" he says
"Come film a YouTube video with me" I say
"What kind of YouTube video?" He asks
"Q&A" I say
"With what phone?" He asks
"Yours you dumb nut" I say
"Don't you need to get them to ask the questions first?" He asks
"Will you just come film a video with me and shut up?!" I say
"Geez fine" he says
"Woah now hailey" Nash says jokingly
I stuck my tongue out at him playfully as I pass by him and he mocks me.
Hayes and I go upstairs and I close the door. I lock the door and go to the window.
"What are you doing?" He asks
"We haven't gone out since the accident." I say
"Bad girl" he says and I smirk
We climb on the roof. Luckily I got my boot off yesterday morning, but it still hurts. Hayes helps me climb down the tree and we run off hand in hand.

Merry Christmas Eve!! I probably won't update till after Christmas so Merry Christmas y'all!!!!

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