Chapter 40

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When the sun goes down we get out the water and go to the blanket. Luckily we got two blankets so we wrap up together. We lay down and watch the stars. I lay my head against Hayes's shoulder.
"Remember when I was in the hospital because of the surgery complication?" I say breaking the silence
"Yeah. I will never forget almost loosing you" he says
"Something happened that day and I was able to leave my body and become like a ghost" I say
"What" he says
"Just listen" I say
"Okay" he says
"You came in the room and you talked to me" I say
"I talked to you a lot" he says
"Just listen babe, please" I say
"I'm sorry" he says
"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time but I've been to scared you'd think I was crazy. I heard you talking to me" I say
"Like in your sleep" he asks
"Hayes" I say
"Sorry" he says
"I was a ghost like thing remember. I was in the room when you were talking to the other me. I heard everything you said. I saw you put my ring on." I say
"You heard me?" He says
"Yeah. Everything" I say
"Woah" he says
"It made me realize that I needed to stay. I was giving up but you made me not. Thank you" I say
"Everything I said in there I meant. Everything." He says
"I know. I love you so much and you're gonna be the one I marry one day." I say and he kisses me
Hayes's phone goes off again.
"It's Nash" he says
"Just answer it" I say
"Hello" he says putting it on speakers
"What the hell Hayes!" Nash yells
"Sorry bro" he says
"Don't sorry bro me Hayes. You two have been gone for almost 12
hours!" He says madly
I look at the time on Hayes's phone and it's 11:30. Woah.
"Sorry Nash. We kinda lost track of time." I say
"Hailey we've called a million times" he says
"Sorry I don't have my phone" I say
"Give me that" I hear and it sounds like Cameron
Uh oh.
"Hailey Paige Dallas" I hear Cameron says
"Hello" I say
"Get home right now Hailey! I'm not even joking" he says
"I'll come home only if Hayes and I don't get in trouble" I say
"You're definitely going to get in trouble Hailey" he says
"I'll come home in the morning" I say
"Hailey no. Come home right now" he says sternly
"I'll be gone cam. I'll be home" I say and hang up the phone
"What are we going to do?" Hayes asks
"I don't want to go home" I say
"Me either" he says
"Let's just sleep here." I say
"Alright" he says and we lay down

*the next day*

I wake up to Hayes shaking me.
"Babe wake up" he says
"What, why?" I ask
"Look at the sunrise" he says and I sit up.
We watch the prettiest sunset ever. When it's over we pack up.
"Ready?" Hayes ask
"Yep I saying taking a picture of him and putting it on my Snapchat saying:
"Time to go home"
I hand him his phone back and we start walking back.
"Even though we are going to be in trouble and almost killed probably I would do this a million more times. I missed you Hailey. I missed us hanging out and just enjoying life together" he says
I smile and kiss him.
When we get home we pay the uber driver and grab our stuff. Hayes and I walk hand and hand to the door and go inside.
"Well looks who's home" Nash says and jaxx runs to me
I pet him.
"Cameron! They are home!" Nash yells
I see Cameron come down the stairs looking pissed.
He comes over to us.
"Let's go" he says
"Go where?" He asks
"To my room to talk" Nash says
Hayes and I put our stuff down and we follow Cameron and Nash upstairs.
We go into Nash's room.
"Sit" Cameron says
Hayes and I sit on the edge of the bed close to each other
"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Nash says
"We just wanted time alone for a bit" Hayes says
"You have been gone since yesterday afternoon Hayes! You wouldn't answer our calls either!" Nash says
"We are sorry" I say
"I can't even call the cops Hailey because they would think I am not able to raise you and they'd take you away Hailey! Do you want to be taken away and put in a foster home?! I would never get to see you until you turned 18!" He yells
"I'm sorry Cameron. We didn't think of what we were doing!" I say
"You two are gonna have plenty time to think now. No leaving the house for a week, do you understand" Nash says
"I got work!" I say
"You can go to work but I'm coming with you since I can't trust you anymore" he says
"Cameron please don't do this" I say
"And you are coming on tour with me" he says
"Tour?" I ask
"Yep. Magcon starts in 2 weeks and you're coming" he says
"Whatever" I say and don't bother fighting with him

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