Chapter 31

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"I-I-I don't know" I say trying to stand up
"What's going on?" He asks
"Hayes I need to talk to someone and I don't know who" I say
I finally stand up and slowly and painfully make my way up the stairs
"Talk to me" he says
"I can't" I say trying to hold back the tears
I make it to the other stairs and somehow make it up them pretty quickly. Probably the fear of my parents seeing me boosted me.
"Why can't you?" He asks sounding very worried for my sake
"You won't believe me. You're gonna think I'm crazy." I say
"I dated you for 2 years. I know you're crazy." He says
"Hey now" I say making it into my room
I quickly close my door and lock it shut.
"Tell me hailey." He says
"Hayes, I really lived with Cameron" I say
"During magcon, yes" he says
"No yesterday technically" I say
"Yesterday?" He asks confused
"Yeah. But cam was mad at me for telling the world he was dating someone. She lied and told him that I was gonna break them up, so for the past week he's been at her house" I say
"What?" Hayes asks clearly confused
He's prolly on the phone with the mental institution right as I speak.
"After I told the world that they were dating he finally called me and we went to dinner. His girlfriend had to make a rude comment so I poured my drink on her and cameron got mad so I left and he tried catching up with me but I kept running. I ran right into a street and now I'm here. I wished to be back with my parents and now I take it back Hayes. I take it back." I say on the verge of tears
"Wow. I'm so confused." Hayes says
"You prolly think I'm crazy don't you" I say
"I always think you're crazy but you're a little bit crazier today" he says
"I'm telling the truth Hayes, you prolly don't believe me but I am. I promise" I say
"I want to believe you, I really do, but it's hard to believe this." He says
"Trust me" I say pleasingly
"How about you get some sleep and I'll call you in the morning to see how you're doing" he says
"I have school I guess since tomorrow's Monday" I say
"No you don't" he says
"Why not?" I ask
"You do online school. Your parents thought it would be better for you to focus on your career" he says
"Sure they did" I say
"You really don't remember?" he says
"No" I say and my voice cracks
"I'll check up on you tomorrow" he says
"O-okay" I say
"Bye" he says
"B-bye" I say
My eyes fill with tears and I can't overcome my emotions. I just let it all out. I end up crying myself to sleep.

*the next day*

When I opened my eyes I hoped to be back in my bed in Cameron's house or in a hospital bed with Cameron by my side. Of course when I wake up I'm laying in my bed the pain from the beating rising.
I slowly get up and take a shower letting the warm water soothe my aching body. I turn the water off and grab my towel. I dry myself off and change. I towel dry my hair and then blow dry it. I go downstairs hoping to get a bite to eat.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" My mom yells once she sees me
"A lot" I say in my head
"What did I do" I say starting to get scared
"Why were you making such god awful noise this morning?! You woke us all up!" She yells
"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to disturb y'all." I say
"you never mean to do anything!" She says grabbing the wooden spoon and memories come back.

Each of my parents have their own weapon. My dad has the baseball bat and my mom has the wooden spoon. It's a spoon you'd use for cooking or while making cookies, not for beating the life out of your child. But that's how my parents role. Instead of my dad playing baseball with me and me throwing him baseballs to hit, he's throwing and hitting me around. He treats me like a worthless piece of garbage, which maybe I am. Instead of my mom helping me make homemade cookies or me helping her with dinner she beats me with a wooden spoon. Not caring for my well being.

"Please don't mom. Please" I beg
A child shouldn't have to beg for their mom not to beat them. A child should beg their mom to buy them a piece of candy or to go out with friends, not to live today without gaining new scars and bruises.
"Shouldn't of caused all that ruckus that woke the whole house up. You're lucky that your dad isn't home right now. He's going to be hearing about this! She says sternly.
"Please, please, please don't mom. I beg of you to not tell him. I can't take another beating. I can't do it" I beg like I'm begging for my life, which I pretty much am
"Would you like for me to give you a beating or would you like for me to wait and tell your father when he gets home and let him handle the situation?" She asks evilly
I already know I'm going to lose either way, so why not get a less harsher beating than a beating where I almost die.
"You can beat me, just please don't tell dad. Please don't tell him" I beg and plead
"Good choice" she says while smirking
She comes over to me while hitting the wooden spoon against her other hand.
"Arms out" she demands and I do what I am told
She swings and hits my arms.
I wince in pain.
"Don't say a word or it will get worse!" She yells
She swings again and again and again.
Each time I wince in pain causing her to keep doing it harder and harder each time.
When she finally finished my arms are on fire and I can see the blood staining through the shirt.
I run upstairs and clean up my arms.
"I just want Cameron!" I say softly to myself before falling asleep

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