Chapter 26

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I get up and spend the rest of the night working on my book.
The writer comes over at like 8ish and we work on the book till like 9 that night. When he leaves I go and take a shower. I can't believe Cameron is really making me go to school.


I don't get any sleep last night. I work on the book and film a YouTube video.
At like 6:20 I go and change into maroon joggers and one of my old long sleeved school shirts.
I do my makeup and just keep my hair down. I'm not going to bother straightening it or doing anything with it. It's school not a premiere.
We had to wear uniforms at my school but for some reason we don't here.
"You ready?!" I hear Cameron yell from downstairs.
I grab my black vans and my phone.
"Yeah" I say going down the stairs
"We don't want to be late" he says
I grab my maroon Jansport booksack and get in the car.
I put my shoes on in the car. When we get to the school I go on snapchat and post a picture of it saying:
"Wrong school"

"Hailey" Cameron says
"What?" I ask
"Shouldn't you be going?" He asks
"No. I don't think so" I say
"Hailey" he says
"Just so you know, I really hate you" I say
"Love you too" he says
I open the door and put my phone in my booksack. Hopefully they aren't strict about phones.
"Bye jaxx" I say petting him and he licks me
I put my booksack over one of my shoulder.
"Bye hailey" Cameron says
I don't say anything. I close the door and walk into the office.
School starts at 7:40 and it ends at 3. I'm used to school starting at 7:04 and ending at 2:23. This is gonna be different.
"Hi. You must be Hailey" a lady says when I go to the front desk
"Yes ma'am" I say
She gives me my schedule and goes over all the rules and junk. This school has a block schedule just like back home.
She then brings me to my English class. Yuck.
"Oh you must be Hailey" the teacher says
"Yes ma'am" I say
"I'm mrs. Jones" she says
"Hi" I say
"You may sit in any empty seat." She says
I look at the class and everyone is looking at me. I go to the back of the class and sit in an empty seat. I look next to me and this girl rolls her eyes at me and turns around. Great.
I daydream the whole class. People won't stop looking at me. When the bell finally rings I try and find my way to math. While I'm walking in the hall people are whispering and some actually come and say hi to me. At least I have fans here but I can tell a lot of the girls aren't happy.
I finally find my math class and go and to sit down.
"Someone is sitting their" this blond headed girl says sassily
"I'm sorry" I say and she rolls her eyes
This is going t be a long day. I finally find a seat and luckily their is a sub today so we don't do anything.
I put my booksack on my desk to hide my phone. Hayes still hasn't texted me back. I go on twitter and tweet:
"Someone rescue me pls and thank you"

I snapchat JJ (jack Johnson if y'all didn't know. I then see that same blond headed girl staring at me and she's obviously talking about me. We make eye contact and I give her a smile that says "I know you're talking about me"
A few minutes later she sits in the seat next to me.
"Hello" I say
"My name is Destiny" she says
"I'm hailey" I say
"Everyone knows" she says
I can tell she's trying to be a fake friend.
She talks to me for a minute.
"Soo does your brother pick you up?" She asks
"I don't know" I say
"If he does I could ride with you and help you with homework" she says
"Not trying to be rude or anything but their is no way I'm letting someone use me to get to my brother or any of the guys. Sorry" I say and she gets mad
"I don't understand why you can't be nice. You wouldn't even be famous without your brother. I just want to meet him. I don't understand why you're being like this. You should give Hayes my number." She says
"No thanks" I say
"Probably a good thing. I don't want him to break your heart." She says
"How would he break my heart?" I ask
"He's only still dating you because he feels sorry for you" she says
"What?" I say
"Since you're parents hated you and all" she says
"We've been dating for two years, I think he wasn't dating me just cause he feels sorry" I say
"Why are you even here" she asks
"Why not" I say
"Watch your back" she says
"Alrighty" I say and she goes back to her seat.

*skip school*

"Hey" Cameron says when I get into the car
Jaxx licks me and I pet him.
"I missed you buddy" I say and pet him
"How was school" Cameron asks
"How do you think it was? Going to a brand new school full of girls who want your boyfriend or are just trying to get to your brother or your friends" I say
"It'll get better" he says
"Yep because I'm not going anymore" I say
"Yes you are" he says


I wake up at 6am. I hardly got any sleep last night. I'm rushing through this book and trying to get it done.
Everyone at this school hates me. Why do I even have to go?!
I changed into black skinny jeans and a Taylor Caniff sweatshirt. I pull my hair back into a messy bun and do a little makeup. I'm not feeling this school thing at all. I put on my tie dye vans and grab my phone and booksack.

*at school*

I go to my second hour class since it's an even day.
"Hi miss. Dallas welcome to physical science" the teacher says
"Hi" I say and go find a seat.
Ever since I've been here I've been talked bad about. I'm a nice girl, I don't understand.
Throughout the day I get so many threats from girls about Hayes. Omg he's my boyfriend I don't understand why they'd want to break us up. I've about had it. I'm not staying in this school much longer.

*after school*

"Can I please go back to online school?" I beg Cameron when I get in the car
"No you may not" he says
"I can't take it here much longer. All they do is talk bad about me and threaten me" I say
"It's basically going through bad comments on Instagram. You could care less what those people say but why do you care now?" He asks
"Because all everyone is doing is talking about me." I say
"Too bad too sad" he says and I roll my eyes


I change into black joggers and a long sleeved Shawn Mendes shirt. I do my makeup and not bother with my hair. I put on my blue vans and grab my stuff.

*at school*

I'm in 3rd hour right now and a lot of the girls are all talking about me like usual. We have free time so I play on my phone, making sure the teacher can't see me.
I get a text from an unknown number.

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