Chapter 44

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Uh oh.
Cameron walks in pissed.
"Hayes get out!" He yells
"Please don't yell at me" I say wiping away the tears falling down my cheeks
"Hayes. Get. Out." Cameron yells
Hayes walks out and I go sit on my bed.
Cameron closes the door behind Hayes.
"Cam-" I try to say before he cuts me off
"You have got to be kidding me right hailey. This can't be real?" He says yelling
"I'm sorry Cameron! I really am!" I say
"Sorry isn't going to cut it! You are only 16 and are going to have a baby! Are you crazy?!" He yells
"I didn't mean to get pregnant cameron! It was an accident! It's not like I did it on purpose!" I yell
"Haven't I taught you anything?! Did you not use protection?!" He asks
"We did! Cameron please stop yelling!" I say feeling nauseous again
"How could you do this hailey?!" He yells and I feel sick to my stomach
I run into the bathroom. 
The rest of my breakfast comes up. Cameron rubs my back. I sit on the floor and cry.
"It's going to be okay. We are going to get through this together. Hayes is going to be there every step of the way." He says
I know he is very disappointed in me.

*hayes pov*

I can't be a dad this young. I'm freaking out. What am I going to do. I only acted happy for Hailey's sake. I'm literally freaking out.
Nash yelled at me and yelled and yelled.
"What the heck is wrong with you Hayes?!" He yells and I feel my tears fall down on my cheek
I slid down the wall and onto the ground. I'm so stressed out.
"I don't know what to do Nash!" I say looking up at him
Something in his eyes change and he realizes that I'm upset and need him right now.
Nash sits next to me.
"Bro you have to be strong. You will never understand how disappointed I am in you. It's now time for you to step up. You have two people to worry about. Hailey is carrying your child. Your lives are going to change very soon." He says
"I'm scared Nash." I say
"I don't know what it's like to feel what you're feeling but all I can say is it's time to step up. That baby is coming whether you like it or not." He says as the door opens and cameron walks in.
"I'm so disappointed in you two Hayes but I've realized that this baby is going to come whether I like it or not. Just please take care of her and the baby Hayes. That's all I ask." He says
"I love hailey so much Cameron. I would never leave her ever. We've been through too much together to just leave. Now we created another human" I say
"Go talk to her." Cameron says
I stand up and wipe the tears from my eyes. I go into Hailey's room and she's sitting against the wall holding the pregnancy tests. I go over to her and sit next to her.
"Look what we did" she says showing me one of the tests she's holding
"It's all going to be okay" I say wrapping my arm around her and pulling her to me
"How do you know Hayes. The fans-" she says but I cut her off
"Who cares about the fans. We are going to continue on with life and you are going to continue making hilarious videos. The true fans will stay and the fake ones will leave." I say
"Can we do this?" She asks
"We can do anything hailey" I say
"This is going to change our lives forever" she says
"But we are going to be okay" I say

*the next day*

"Hailey" I say trying to wake hailey up
"What?" She asks turning over
"We have a doctors appointment in an hour and a half" I say
"Ugh" she says and gets up and gets ready

*at doctors appointment*

"Hailey Dallas" a nurse says and hailey and I walk into the back
A nurse brings us into a small white room. I shiver, it's freaking cold in here. The nurse gives hailey a gown to change into. When Hailey changes she sits on the weird chair.
"We get to see the baby" she says and I can tell she's nervous but excited.
"We get to see our baby" I say and kiss her forehead.
We hear two knocks on the door and nurse wearing a white lab looking coat walks in.
"Good morning" she says
"Morning" we say
"Are you two ready to hear your baby's heart?" She asks and we both nod happily
She puts this cold white jelly on Hailey's belly and moves this device around her belly.
"Boom boom boom boom boom" we hear and Hailey's face lightens up
"You two have a healthy baby" she says
I kiss hailey. I'm very nervous and very excited about this baby.

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